Seeing T&T Police Make You Feel Safe?
While in the course of your business anywhere in Trinidad & Tobago do you feel safer when you see the police on patrol?
Name: George
Comments: Well this is highly debatable as most ordinary citizens here see the police as their enemies whilst on the other hand those of status ,wealth an in positions of authority see them as their protectors, and that is it in a nut shell. No, generally speaking the police have lost the respect of the majority of our citizens especially as it is now noticeable that many policemen have now adopted the attitude that if you can't beat them join them. They are slowly but surely now coming to the conclusion that crime pays here.
I don't agree that most citizens see the police as their enemies. Most criminals and their friends see the police as the enemy. People may be disgruntled with the system or speed of justice but don't see police as the enemy unless they have something to hide.
Name: George
Title: Seeing the TT police make you feel safe
Comments: I suggest you carry out a survey. Just as this question: What do you think of our local police?.Then when the poll is finished let me know the results.