I was just looking at a Post that Support made and I have to ask… what is so difficult to understand or do with regards to keeping Role-playing Game related Threads about Role-playing Games only and not yourself, your schedule, your Birthday, your family pet, etc.?
I mean, I took the time to link to that, I put a warning on top of the place where you input your writing saying that your message will be deleted if it does not comply and yet… they still do it again and again and again. You even have the latest example where a Player admits to seeing it removed and instead of having a clue like hmm… maybe I should not add this off topic stuff again because it was removed what do they do - add it again anyway. I mean how downright disrespectful can you be.
We have been running games for years and years and we know from experience that if there is even a slight chance that you allow for off topic interests the Role-playing Game literally, and I mean literally becomes a narcissistic fest or a hijack to something not related to Role-playing Games. Then again, I read Posts where Players ask "Where is the map button?" the very same button that loads on every page of every Role-playing Game. I notice this kind of thing is especially true where Users come from social networks where anything goes. Is this the age of just do what I like anywhere I like regardless of the strain it puts on others?
I will like to list what all Members agreed to before joining:
JB you having the same old problems still? I don't know why people can't just enjoy a game and obey the rules here they're simple enough. I think people just beg for drama they don't get enough from roleplaying so they want it for real too. .
Most of the recent issues seem to stem from disagreements on what is and is not off topic.
In particular, I would contend that an out of character update on posting availability is quite on topic, and appropriate for a game's support thread, and I don't seem to be alone in that regard.
I understand that you're concerned about a slippery slope in which someone's update leads to an off topic conversation about said update. But this is not an obvious reason for the rule, and most people would like to be able to just tell their friends they'll be busy for a bit without making them look in an entirely different section of the forum. Would it not make more sense to simply restrict details of why there's a schedule issue and not the existence of a schedule issue?
I agree that people ought to learn and abide by the rules, just my two cents on why that seems to be more difficult than it should be. Edited: daishain on 6th Oct, 2017 - 3:41pm
I try to keep most of my stuff on topic and if it has to do with something unrelated then I will take it to another thread. I do believe most of the regular members that come here one of the first things they do is click the recent updated threads so they can see where someone has posted recently in their introduction thread. Keeping the Role-playing Game games strictly Role-playing Game is something we all need to keep working on so that we do not accidentally hijack a thread. I do know that I get side tracked at times and I do not want to be visited by Persephone any more. Granted she is a nice lady but I like to stay out of moderators minds if I can help it *smile*.
You are fine KNtoran and I am happy to say that I've never seen much of a Role-playing Game Etiquette problem from you or the Players in your Role-playing Games either.
I can't say the same for the other Role-playing Games though, right now some of the Players in the other Role-playing Games are attempting to tell us how we should run the site with their as usual sarcastic comments rather than simply play the game so I can get back to my coding. Again, all of this is hidden and not known to anyone but this is the kind of cow's manure I have to deal with because of a simple rule - no courtesy. Again, we are not asking anyone to like the rule, or to agree to it, we are just asking you to be courteous and keep it.