How Do You Handle People's Interpretation of Role-Playing Games
For instance if someone believed that the playing of Role-playing Games was somehow demonic or psychologically perverse how would you answer it?
First off I don't share my gaming interests randomly. I first get to know a person to see if its something that they might be interested in. If after I talk about it they give me a response about the devil or delusion then I will laugh it off and try to explain how it works. I might even use real stories from history or talk about how acting is not seen the same way. If they still don't get it then I move on.
I let people think what they want simply because there is usually very little that will convince people to sway from their preconceive ideas about something they know nothing about. If someone says what I'm doing is from the "Devil" I might just say, "OK" And move on. I doubt the person who is telling me that wants to be my friend. I certainly go around telling people what is morally correct.
If someone is intelligent enough to listen I'm sure if I explain it they will at least understand if not agree that its harmless. However if the person question is one of your ignorant types then I just leave them be.