Omnusi Introduction

Omnusi Introduction - Introductions, Member Sharing - Posted: 27th Oct, 2015 - 1:44pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 29th May, 2015 - 4:50am / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction
A Friend

Omnusi Introduction

I am Omnus. As long as there have been internet Role-Playing Games, I have been.

My real name is Rob, I'm a gamer with more than twenty-five years of experience in gaming, much of that time gaming online as well as with pen-and-paper. I have created my own Role-Playing Games, and I have run campaigns that have lasted for years. I both played and run games in the venerable chat-room Role-playing Game Syree, and I once ran a play-by-post internet wrestling league. I've dabbled in pencil-and-paper games, from Twilight 2000, Traveller, Paranoia and many others, but my long-running campaigns have been in Shadowrun, GURPS, all editions of Dungeons & Dragons, and the Star Wars Role-Playing Games.

I am NOT flashy. I know when it is time to sit back and let the other folks have their share of the spotlight. I do believe in total, no-holds-barred role-playing, but I can kick back with something light-hearted as well. I do prefer to play with grown-ups, however

I am not looking to run a game at present. I already am running two long-term tabletop campaigns, and I'm looking to this as a method of relaxing as a player. My schedule is all over the board, but if you have me in your game, I trust you will not regret it. I look forward to rubbing shoulders with many of you...digitally speaking, that is.

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Post Date: 29th May, 2015 - 9:39am / Post ID: #

Middle Ages Facts

Introduction Omnusi

Welcome Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Role-Player

Salutations. Be ye a dedicated warrior that seeketh adventure? For Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder Play by Post start participating forthwith here: [+] Member Wars Role-playing Game Board where all the Member managed Role-playing Games are located.

Not sure how to put thy right foot in front of thy left? Seek help here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?

Other Medieval Related Role-Playing Games
[+] World of Medieval Play By Post Role-playing Game / [+] Gwynedd Medieval Village Play By Post Role-playing Game

Dungeons & Dragons is NOT the only genre here. For other Role-playing Game genres look at the: Custom Built Text Based Role-Playing Games

Post Date: 29th May, 2015 - 1:30pm / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction Sharing Member & Introductions

Hi Omnusi! That was quite an introduction. You should fit in nicely with your experience. Horde gave you all the necessary links to get started but should you need help finding something in the community please do ask here and someone will answer you.

Post Date: 29th May, 2015 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #

Diamond Chief
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Introduction Omnusi

Welcome Omnusi. That's a big background in Role-Playing Games. I've been here a long time and every time I see someone join who says they're running games elsewhere they rarely make it past 1-2 posts. Maybe its different for you but time will tell. wink.gif

Contribution: Diamond Emeritus | Credit: | Gender: Male | Politics: Unsure
Tenet: Christian (secular) | Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG | Age: Thirty Something | Joined: Reg. 18th Jan, 2009 - 9:07pm
Post Date: 27th Oct, 2015 - 2:40am / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction
A Friend

Introduction Omnusi

All right folks, I'm thinking of starting a role-playing game. Star Wars is out, sadly, but I'm pretty flexible. I'd like input on what others want to play so I can be assured of some players to get a game off the ground.

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2015 - 4:45am / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction

Omnusi, that's great, however there is a procedure to follow for starting Role-playing Games here. Please have a read of this thread: How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master. In addition to this there are existing threads asking the same thing: Raising The Dead Or Defunct Role-Playing Games.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
Post Date: 27th Oct, 2015 - 1:42pm / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction
A Friend

Omnusi Introduction

Thanks Support, but I am not starting a Role-Playing Game...yet. I am merely announcing my intentions and inviting input on what people want to play. Thanks for the links though, they'll make for some good reading.

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2015 - 1:44pm / Post ID: #

Omnusi Introduction Introductions & Member Sharing

No, problem. Even so your introduction is for personal stuff. If you want to discuss Role-playing Games then you can use the link I referenced or start a new on in this board: Board, Card, & RPG Reviews. That's where you look for players, input and reviews from others.

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