After the US announce its new attempt to hold blogs outside of the freedom of speech rights, the U.N. announced that it and the rest of the world feel that the Internet is not being handled well by the U.S. and they would like a global organization to be in charge of it with U.S. input as well. Soon after, the U.S. decisively said that they will retain full control. Statistically, the U.S. uses a small portion of the internet compared to the rest of the world and a lower percentage per capita. It seems only right that the rest of the world have some say in it, especially when the U.S. is now trying to restrict free speech on the internet. But with the U.S. saying no, the European Union and the United Nations have decided to wrest control away from the U.S. This is lining up to be one heck of a fight. I have read several articles about this, but thought the one with the most varying opinions was this one on slashdot.
And lets not forget that the 'invention' of the World Wide Web came not from the U.S. but from JANET housed in a british university in 1984.
Should the U.S. retain full control? Should a global organization be in charge of it? Why do you feel this way? Edited: konquererz on 6th Oct, 2005 - 4:31pm
I don't think anyone should "control" the Internet. It's not up to any world government to determine what does or does not publish on the 'net, in my opinion, although there are always exceptions. I understand that China is ruling against certain types of websites, and that censorship will happen within each country's jurisdiction. However, beyond laws against really vile things like child pornography, etc., I don't think the web should be legislated.
Well it looks like the US will be in charge, and I rather it that way, other countries are not dominant enough in internet usage (ecommerce) to have it their way - at least from my perspective.
TUNIS: The United States will maintain control of the domain-name system that guides traffic around the internet under an agreement adopted at a United Nations technology summit, EU and US negotiators said.
Ref. https://www.stuff.co.nz/hlc/1,,93498~3481952a28~,00.html
Only problem is that the US is not the dominant internet traffickers. There are other parts of the world that use the internet more that the US. See https://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm
While it looks like we will maintain control, it is my opinion that the internet is free and should not be controlled by any single entity as is the case now.
There are other parts of the world that use the internet more that the US. |
Wait a minute, whats this about blogs not under freedom of speech? I really don't care who "owns" the internet, so long as I don't have to learn a different language to use it.
The UN Asks for Control Over the World's Internet
Members of the United Nation's International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale. Ref. Source 6
Justice Department will allow tech companies to reveal more security requests
Internet companies will be allowed to disclose more information about how often they are required to turn over customer data to the government as part of an agreement announced Monday by the Justice Department. The rules, outlined in a letter to executives representing Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and LinkedIn and filed along with a notice to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, lifts a prohibition that had gagged technology companies from disclosing information about the government's surveillance requests. Ref. USAToday