I'm extremely tempted to start a 2nd Edition Advance Dungeons & Dragons campaign and I guess I'm looking to see if there's enough interest in running one. I'd like to have 4 to 6 players to keep the story going and to provide balance for the planned encounters. Starting out, I wouldn't want more than 6 until I can see how things go.
The adventure would take place in Greyhawk, starting out in The Yeomanry. It would be a basic Advance Dungeons & Dragons adventure to begin with. Then, depending on how things go, we could expand it. The time is just after Greyhawk Wars. Iuz has expended his kingdom to a little over twice its original size and the rest of the kingdoms to the south have not yet had the opportunity to reinforce their homelands. This means that caravans are the major employers of adventurers, using them as caravan guards while providing them with transportation throughout the realms.
Character creation is done using 4d6, keep the highest three and re-roll all 1s. If you're interested in playing a specific profession, even if you don't have the stats for it, let me know and we can make some 'adjustments'.
I plan on posting a minimum of once a day, at least five out of seven days of the week. I'd like to have players that can post the same amount, if not more. I'd rather not respond to the party's reactions until all members of the party have had an opportunity to chime in.
Since it's my first go at this, I certainly welcome any suggestions that anybody has. I'm thinking we'll have one board for the game that sticks pretty strictly to the narrative and the character's actions. We can have a second forum for the meta-game discussion. If you, as players, want to ask me, the GM, questions about game play or mechanics, and stuff like that.
In any case, let me know if you're interested in playing and when I get 4 or so players, we can kick this off. And, let me know if there are any additional steps that I should be taking as far as setting this up or kicking it off.
This looks like fun. I'm definitely interested and have played a lot of Advance Dungeons & Dragons but no Greyhawk campaigns. Will this be a problem? If not, count me in.
I usually play human or dwarf and fighter variant, cleric, or thief. Let me know if you think I'd fit.
It looks like we're half way to a group. No previous knowledge of Greyhawk is necessary. And, I don't see any issues with playing any character that suits you. If you would like, you can poll the others on this board what they plan on playing. Right now it's just Kermit and Dartmos, so I don't think a lot of character classes will be snatched up too quickly.
Let me know what you want and we'll go from there.
Hi Falrun, I'd like to play too!
I don't have the 2nd ed Advance Dungeons & Dragons rules, but its probably the system I've played the most and I'm sure I can find the info. I too have little knowledge of Greyhawk beyond some hazy memories acquired from the 1980s boxed set.
If Dartimos prefers a dwarf fighter type and Kermit doesn't have preferences, I'll go for a human wizard or an elven fighter-wizard.
I better add that in August I'm on holiday and I don't know what my internet connections will be like - I may not be able to post every day during this month. I hope that's not a problem.