Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters

- D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 12th Jul, 2015 - 10:05am

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Start Here by creating your Character for approval. Also serves for Questions.
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10th Jul, 2015 - 6:21pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

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Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters

The Watcher from the Aether says...

This is where you Create your Character for Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons Campaign.

Current ACTIVE game: Ruler of Kings II Medieval Fantasy Text Role-playing Game


The below Role-playing Game is CLOSED

Please create your character and post it here for my approval.

You may roll your own dice as my standard attribute rolling process is 4d6 for each attribute and you can re-roll all 1's.

Your character will be first level with maximum HP for first level.

I stick to the PHB and the Class Handbooks, such as Fighter, Thief, Wizard, etc… But, if you have any questions or would like to include something else, please ask. Although I respect the rules, this game is about having fun.

To activate the Character Sheet
please use the "Create Associated Role-playing Game Character" Button to the top left. There is also a Advance Dungeons & Dragons generator there if you need assistance.

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Post Date: 10th Jul, 2015 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters
A Friend

Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons e Falruns

Thanks Falrun for offering to run a game!

I prefer to roll my dice in a public place - I really don't mind bad results but if I get exceptionally good results, people don't really believe them. To remove suspicion, I'm rolling them here.

Because there are only 5 rows for rolling, I'll roll 6d6 for the first 2 rows -
Results 1,2,3,4 from row 1 is the first stat
Results 5,6 from row one and 1,2 from row two are the second stat
And results 3,4,5,6 from row 3 are the third stat
Each other row is for a separate stat

For re-rolling 1s, I'll wait for the results...(And if I don't get a minimum 5 18s, I'm sulking!)

I'll try again because my rolls didn't register last time. Again, the first two rows will show the first three statistics. Wish me luck!

Edited Message Edited...
JB: Merged Posts, to understand how the Dice Roller works: Embedded Dice Support.

11th Jul, 2015 - 4:04am / Post ID: #
Follower / Head
Character Sheet ◀
Dead Dead

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Ignoble says...

Roll 1 = 4,4,4,1(Reroll)= 4,4,4,5= 13
Roll 2 = 6,5,4,2 = 15
Roll 3 = 6,6,2,1(Reroll) =6,6,2,3=15
Roll 4 = 4,4,4,3= 12
Roll 5 = 6,3,1,1(Reroll)=6,3,5,1= 14
Roll 6 = 6,4,3,3 =13
[Strength]= 13
[Dexterity]= 13
INT= 15
CON=15+1 Dwarf = 16
[Charisma]=12-1 Dwarf = 11

Post Date: 11th Jul, 2015 - 4:25am / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters
A Friend

Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons e Falruns

It was very late here when I tried to enter my last statistics. I was very sleepy so that's probably why I did them wrong. My apologies for cluttering up the thread!
Here I go again. If I don't do it correctly this time, I'll just roll the stats at home as suggested.

11th Jul, 2015 - 4:35am / Post ID: #
Follower / Head
Character Sheet ◀
Dead Dead

Characters Create Dragons and Dungeons Falruns

Ignoble says...

Please let me know if you are allowing weapon specialization, non-weapon proficiencies, and if you are going to use feats.

Also, starting gold / items

I am chomping at the bit and ready to get going.

Post Date: 11th Jul, 2015 - 5:11am / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters
A Friend

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters

So my completed stats from the first result are
2,4,4,4 =12
And the results that contain a one and therefore need re-rolling are;

So, while I'm sorting out the details on the character sheet, here's my character so far

Name: Gervase of Longspear
Race: Half-elf
Alignment: neutral good
Level: 1/1
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 17 (6 NWP/75%learn/14max/lvl)
Wisdom: 14 (Bonus spells: 2 x 1st)
Charisma: 14 (6 henchmen, +1Loyal, +2React)

HP: 6



Weapon Proficiencies:

Non-weapon Proficiencies:


Gervase Inkfinger Results:

Age: 15+ on D6 (+0): 5 (1 roll)
Height:60 inches + on D6 (+0): 2, 5 (2 rolls)
Weight:110lbs + on D12 (+0): 10, 2, 3 (3 rolls)
Starting Gold:10 x on D6 (+0): 4, 3, 5 (3 rolls)

Edited Message Edited...
Persephone: Stop double posting. Posts merged.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
11th Jul, 2015 - 11:43am / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

Game Master ◀
Active Player Active Role-player!

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters

The Watcher from the Aether says...

Dartimos, I use proficiency points for weapon and non-weapon proficiencies. You can use the weapon groupings in either the Fighter's Handbook or the Player's Option: Combat and Tactics, as well as the Expertise and Specialization options in Combat and Tactics.

This means that only single classed Fighters can 'Specialize' and become masters. Everybody else has the option of being an expert.

I do not use the Player's Option: Skills and Powers rules, but everything else is fair game.

Post Date: 12th Jul, 2015 - 10:05am / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters
A Friend

Falrun's 2e Dungeons & Dragons Create Characters D&D / Pathfinder Archive

Sorry I've rather cluttered up this thread - I realise that I should have rolled the character on an external link. Doh!
I think I've completed Gervase except for his wizard spells - the 2nd ed rules I found on line says that the Dungeon Master gives the starting spells. I couldn't find a number. This is fine with me and fits my background - Gervase's starting spells would be the ones sent him by friendly wizard's who'd copied a chapter of the book he's trying to replace. I'd like this quest to recover extracts of the "Liber Feymarn" To be intertwined with Gervase's adventures if possible.
Request: Please give me my starting spells - preferably including Armour.
Do you have a preferred style of gaming - high/low fantasy, dark, comic etc?
Looking forward to getting started!

Rather off topic, but...
PS. I tried to link your pages but apparently you need 100 cp or something. Can you do that or do you need admin, because most of the character creation info is on your review thread?

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