Moving cautiously into the cave, Jess is unable to detect any traps.
The entrance to the Hidden Temple is meant to resemble that of a mausoleum or tomb-chamber within a barrow. After only about twenty-five feet the passage ends by opening at an angle into a wide hallway running directly north-south. The floor of the hallway is covered with red and black marble tiles, beautifully polished-in fact, any character with stoneworking skills (Such as a typical dwarf) who enters the Hidden Temple can tell at once that it is not a "Cave" but very old excavated tunnels carved with consummate skill.
Listening carefully, you can hear a very faint moan or whisper in this passage; it seems to be a woman's voice but never becomes audible enough to be understood. In addition, most of the upper level of the Hidden Temple is illuminated by a soft red light that casts a bloody tinge over everything.
Hunter comments, "You all see that? Those marble squares could be a trap, but then again anything here could be a trap."
Looking at the weight and length of the bug bears he comments to one, "Please use your weapon as a prodding stick but put your weight on it so it can activate any pressure plates ahead of where you are."
Knowing that sounds scary he adds, "Nothing should happen because you will be touching squares that you're not standing on."
In Character: Hunter raises his hand to stop Drethen's advance as though he were moving forward but its just to emphasize what he says next, "I'd let the bug bears do a little testing of the place before we start moving in here.... "
Ardo is following along making sure to not step anywhere that has not already been tested.
The largest of the bugbears starts prodding the floor as he enters the main hallway. For the first ten feet, the stone seems solid with no evidence of pits or traps.
Suddenly, to the point that even Hunter is startled, a large dark sheet drops from the ceiling and engulfs the bugbear. The bugbear drops to the floor, struggling to break free of this sheet? Carpet? Blanket? That is now wrapped around him and suffocating him.