Out of Character: I thought it was just there so it would be just extending my hand rather than attacking hence I didn't roll but I'll correct that now. Although I don't know the damage for it so just the attack rolls.
Jonathon would seek more determinedly to get rid of what he had before thought was a cloth, though now realizing it was a creature. He would use his rapier to attack and inflict wounds upon the creature.
Out of Character: Hopefully I got the dice rolling correct, I fear I may have messed up. Edited: Thomaslee on 1st May, 2016 - 6:11am
The creature's hide is tougher than expected making it necessary to put some effort into the attack. It also doesn't seem to have a back, as most would define it, and seems to be able to sense, if not outright see the attacks coming at it and able to make small adjustments to the pressure it's putting on the bugbear captive in order to make it harder to hit, as well.
All though it seems to have taken quite a beating, reacting to Drethen's and Ardo's (NPC attacks as he stated he's currently busy) attacks which seem to have damaged it, it's still putting pressure on the bugbear. Judging by the amount of struggling coming from the bugbear, it would seem that the captive creature doesn't have much time left before passing into the great beyond.
The remaining two bugbear's attacks seemed to have no effect and Jess' arrows flew wide of their mark.
Ardo decides it is time to take a drastic measure and use something that was explained to him in the sanctuary. "Bleredd, with your might cause this creature to perish!."
The storyteller would press even harder, cutting and stabbing with his blade as he worked to break the bugbear lose. As he does, Jonathon tries to take a closer look to see if he could figure out what the creature is as well listen to see if it was making any sounds.
Out of Character: I may know what it is, but I can't be certain. And even if I guess right that doesn't mean my character knows. Edited: Thomaslee on 1st May, 2016 - 3:03pm
With Jonathon's and Drethen's attacks, the creature lets loose of the bugbear and lies flopping in its death throws on the ground. The bugbear falls from the creature's grasp gasping for air and appears to be a shade of blue that you've never quite seen before.
You can tell that the creature is a Lurger Above now that you can get a good look at its remains and the bugbear seems to recover after a minute or so of catching its breath.
Hunter curses the fact that he could barely afford a hand weapon. He goes over to the bugbear who was blue and asks if he is alright. "Let's give him a minute… " says Hunter as he looks around. Then seeing the lurger moving about still he says openly, "Someone going to finish it off?"
After a bit he gets his bow ready, uses his vision and waits for the party's move.