The lurker is indeed dead. The area around where it attacked is clean and well kept, just like the rest of this hallway. It would appear that it was set here as a guard rather than just being some wandering monster as there are no signs of any other attacks or debris left from them.
After the last episode Hunter seems keenly interested to look above him while following the party down the corridor. He watches and listens using his sense making an open suggestion, "Whomever has the ability to detect magic or detect a monster you better start using it… " he uses his own special vision at the same time.
Out of Character: Is the current map up to date? If its correct then where are we on it and facing which direction? I was hoping Hunter's vision could indicate what's ahead in any direction he can see.
Out of Character: : The map is up to date. The Lurker attacked just inside the hallway of the cave coming in from the outside. The hallway is lit by torches mounted on the walls every 40' or so. To the north there is a door on the east and northern doors while the hallway turns to the west. To the south, the corridor continues with a slight bend to the southwest.
Out of Character: If no one shows up to object we could try the southwest to see what's there first before handling doors.