"That sounds like a solid plan Hunter. Jess can you give us a quick scan for traps in obvious areas. Hunter do you want to stay close to those bugbears to give them instructions if needed. I have a few heals left for the day. Delgar and Jonathon what spells do you have left? If we run into those priests again it is key that we take them out first."
Out of character: I am back now.
The party heads south down the corridor behind the three large bugbears. The only noise is the sounds of your feet as you try to walk as quietly as possible.
As you round a slight bend to the right, you find yourselves in a familiar section of the temple. This must be the area that housed so many undead as well as the bound Thane and Hunter.
The passage continues to the east into a large open area that you haven't explored yet.
"Wait a second we've been here before! Right?" Hunter makes a careful search of the room using his special skills. If nothing is found he will head further south (51) with at least one of the bugbears in front.
Out of Character: On the map we are at 53? Also the green represents a tree above us or above ground?
Out of Character: : The green represents a tree on the outside of the hill. The map combines both the cave complexes and the outside topography.
The party cautiously follows the three bugbears into the chamber to the southeast.
This chamber seems to be some kind of audience hall, forty feet wide and sixty feet long. A number of skeletons in robes-some black, some red-kneel in prayer, facing the figure at the far end. There on a raised dais is a stone throne in which sits one of the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. She sits motionless, her arms on the arms of the throne, staring straight ahead with an enigmatic, unreadable face. She stares right through you as if you did not exist, as if you were not real enough for her to see.
At the vision of the woman, you feel as if you are drawn to her and would do anything for her. In order to resist this feeling you must make a save verses Death Magic. Wisdom bonuses apply and, if you have resistance to charm, you get a +2 bonus to your save.
Failure indicates that he or she is overcome by the goddess's majesty and unearthly beauty and falls to his or her knees in adoration, adopting the exact position of the pious skeletons (Note that this could be very bad if that character is a paladin or cleric devoted to another god or goddess, as his or her own patron deity is liable to be seriously offended). The character ignores everyone and everything except the vision, literally staying here until he or she starves to death at his or her prayers.
For purposes of keeping the story going, I'm providing the save below so that your next post can be a reaction to the effects.
Hunter, captivated by the immense beauty of the woman, falls to his knees and begins to watch her adoringly.
Out of Character: Well there isn't really a reaction other than the one you provided. .