Ardo keeps working on the bugbear. Since he can only perform one action per round and his previous action was to once again try healing, he now casts his last Cure Light Wounds spell. The spell seems to take effect and stop the bleeding as well as restore some of the bugbear's health.
Searching the fighter the party finds in addition to the black plate male, shield and long sword, he has on him two rings, a small 1" statue of a dog made out of onyx, twelve perfectly matched gemstones, and 100 pp inside of the saddle bags that are on the stone statue of a horse.
You also find a few personal effects of the man lying around, as described previously.
Hunter says, "We need to check the magical properties of his items before we use or handle them to make sure they are not filled with an evil force or cursed."
Out of Character: How are we distributing his things? By the way I do need a melee weapon. .
"Hmm, well maybe we can find someone who could identify them," Jonathon would suggest. He had considered perhaps having the knowledge to hel p but his arcane lore was more to allowing him to use and have a basic understanding of magic items.
Out of Character: I believe, if memory serves, Jonathon has a class ability that can help in this situation. Let me check. Hmm, or not. Sighs, I was thinking Arcane Lore would be helpful. Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Jun, 2016 - 1:50pm
Ardo looks at everything the group has gathered. 'Pack it up and lets get out of here asap. I want to get that stuff looked at and then we can decide either by lots, value, luck or who needs it the most. I am for the Bug Bears cave for at least the night, maybe they can help identify it if they have a spellcaster."
The party gathers the loot from in this room and heads back to the bugbear's cave. When you get there, you are greeted by Haggadiah, the old bugbear leader, and his daughter Nabadiah.
After you explain the situation and what you encountered so far, they admonish you telling you that since you didn't clear out the clerics, they will most likely be on their guard for you the next time you enter their cave. However, they are grateful for what success you have achieved and for bringing back their people safely.
As a reward, they will spend the evening praying for curing spells as well as a detect magic spell so they can cast it on your loot in the morning.
As morning rolls around, they are able to cure the bugbears back to full strength as well as any party members that are injured. They also cast detect magic on the items you brought with you and are able to tell you that the plate mail, shield, long sword, both rings, as well as the onyx dog are all magical.
What they do, or how magical, they are unable to tell. You'll have to find out either by experimentation or by taking them back to the keep to be identified.
Nabadiah explains, "That type of divination is beyond our abilities. I would love to help you out, but it will be quite some time before I have the ability to provide that information."