Out of Character: What kind of armor did you have on? I checked your character sheet but it looks like you've already added in the black plate, etc.
Out of Character: After buying some berries for my spells I also want to visit the local cleric and see if I can purchase a few vials of Holy Water or strike a deal. Also going forward I will have 3 Cure Light Wounds, 1 Protection from Evil and my 2nd levels will be 2 Silence and a Hold Person.
The mage at the merchant's guild replies to Hunter that they have no goods for sale. If he's looking for a cloak, he'll have to take what's available at the general store and those aren't anything special.
If Ardo visits the chapel, he finds that he can purchase up to four vials of Holy Water for 50gp, each.
Out of character: How many undead would be affected by a thrown vial of holy water?
Out of Character: That would be nice but I think ti would not fit my ideal of nimble archer? How does that affect Hunter GM or if it doesn't I do not mind taking it.
In Character: Hunter does not believe the Mage has nothing for sale but he nods and moves to the other part of town where he can inquire after a dark cloak good enough for hiding.
Ardo: Splash damage from Holy Water is 2hp and would effect every creature in a 5' radius.
Hunter: Since your character is a fighter, your armor doesn't have that big of an effect. The way I see it, since he is a fighter, he's practiced his style of combat to the point that any allowed armor isn't going to be that much of a hindrance.