Hunter looks at the map and then at Ardo, "I understand what you mean, we can do that but it won't mean we'll be free from someone else looking to slow us down."
Drethen agrees. "We can go by way of forest but our chances of running into something may increase and slow us down but yet could be safer than on the road. The road is quicker but if people were ambushed on the road before it can happen again until the threat is removed. Either way has its pros and cons." Drethen will go with the majority.
"Alright, its final then? Are we ready to go or are we waiting on someone?"
Hunter then has an idea, "What about if we hire some grub soldiers to accompany us?"
Out of Character: I forgot, are healing potions available? Antivenom?
"We are all here ready to go. Just waiting for the guards to open the gates so we can leave and head back. As for help I am fine if we go back and grab the bugbears."
As you are making ready to leave in the morning, a tall strapping young man approaches you while you are gathering at the gate. He's dressed in chain mail, carries a shield, and has a long sword and a morning star hanging from his hip.
As your discussing your plan of action, he inquires "So, you're planning on taking the road, then?"