The party heads south finding a large alter room that is thirty feet deep and forty feet wide.
The red stone walls of this place have been left dull and unpolished, but the four great black pillars that rise twentyfive feet to hold up the roof have been polished till they gleam in the reflected light of the two braziers that flank the altar. The floor is a checkerboard of black and red squares, the altar a rough block of black rock with red veins—the exact opposite of the walls. The altar is heavily stained with the dull brown of old dried blood. Atop the altar rest four bronze vessels that looks very old: a shallow bowl, a pair of goblets, and an ewer—all bloodstained. The walls are carved with images that seem to tell the story of a man, a warrior in red robes, who fights his way past monsters who guard seven gates (Each shaped like the lintel-door to a tomb) to win the hand of a beautiful woman in black sitting on a stone throne. The final scene shows the two sitting side-by-side on a double throne built of skulls.
“Not right now Hunter, I am more concerned of searching this place quickly and moving on to eradicate the other members of this cult before they truly realize we are inside there home. Drethen I am going to check the 2 left pillars you want to check out the 2 right one, Jess if you want to quickly check for traps or hidden doors that would be awesome. “
Ardo starts to walk towards the 2 left pillars while preparing for combat. “Gentleman, I hope none of us end up on that altar. Once we clear out this place I am coming back to cleanse this area with holy water and blessings. I wouldn’t touch anything in this room before that as there has probably been great misdeeds done here. Once we clear this place out I will cast detect magic and go through the entire complex.”.
Hunter thinks, "But suppose there is a trap here you won't reach very far. He then pulls out his bow in case he needs to do some long ranged attacks. He stand watching.
Jess, Delgar, and the three bugbears wait at the entrance to the chapel while Ardo and Drethen clear the room.
As Drethen rounds the first pillar, Ardo's suspicions are realized as one of the temple's clerics springs out from behind the pillar, striking Drethen (4hp).
Ardo moves over to combat the cleric and starts swinging with the mace. Looking at the cleric while swinging at him Ardo says in a carefree tone “If you surrender you will be brought to town for your crimes.”. Edited: Buddha on 14th Jul, 2016 - 2:18pm
Out of Character: is Hunter in eye sight of this? If not is he in ear shot to react to it? Edited: Hunter on 14th Jul, 2016 - 5:49pm