Seeing others attention on it the paladin considers the mural. Intrigued with the woman shown, Gabriel would comment, "She is beautiful. I wonder who she was?" He didn't realize that those of the party had already seen her.
Hunter hears Gabriel and says, "Believe when I say she is no one you would want to know, its some sort of charm spell that keeps its victims locked on her forever".
As you search the room, Ardo recognizes the murals as the story of Erishkigal's courtship by Nergal. Known to the clerics here as the Esizkur (House of Prayer), this chamber is a shrine to Nergal, Erishkigal's consort.
Nergal is known as "The Bringer of Pestilence and Fever" and Erishikigal is known as the "Demon Queen of Seduction and Undeath"
The rest of the room reveals nothing, the pillars are just large enough for a man to hide behind, and the body of the cleric contains nothing valuable other than a red-gold armband.
The four vessels on the alter appear to be bronze and works of art in their own right.
Hunter comments, "Those vessels should get us some gold, shall we take them?"
Hunter takes the armband saying, "Never can tell when it will be of use."
Hunter leaves preparing for the next part of the cave.
"Leave the loot for now. No need to burden ourselves at this point carrying it around till we clear this cave out. I have a feeling we are either going to be victors and can come back and clear this place out of treasure. Or we will be on that alter for a different purpose." Ardo starts to head up the hallway directly away from the alter looking back at the group. "What are you waiting for guys you got something better todo?"
Hunter says, "I'm usually ahead of you all so I'm waiting for nothing but Gabriel probably needs a nudge after seeing the little lady's picture."