Gabriel focuses his attention on the zombies, as his hand was already upon his long sword and ready to fight. Once they were taken care of, he'd draw his morningstar and turned his attention to the skeletons.
Hunter says to whomever is closest to the door, "Close it so we keep the noise down, this is going to get ugly."
Hunter figures that his arrows won't be of much worth on these creatures so he uses his special sword.
Out of Character: Does the sword also give a -1HP per round to the undead or just the living?
Out of Character: : No, zombies are susceptible to slashing weapons, they just don't bleed so a sword of wounding won't have any additional effect on them.
Ardo steps forward and starts swing at the closest undead to him with his Mace. "Keep it down people, we will free you once we take care of these undead, but if you cause too much of a ruckus we will all die if the enemies come."
Gabriel and Hunter gang up on the first zombie and bring down while Drethen rushes past to the next two zombies and easily dispatches both of them with his expert swordsmanship.
Ardo shatters the first skeleton with this mace while the bugbears make quick work of the last two skeletons, shattering them into several pieces, each.
The combat went so quickly that neither Delgar or Jess had an opportunity to act, other than watch in amazement as the party swarmed over the undead like a hoard of locusts.
Once done, it's easy enough to open the locks and set the captives free.
Out of Character: : I'm adding a new battle map, even though it's not needed because I've added the zombies and skeletons to the temple area giving you a better visual *smile*.