"Battles such as these are never fun," he reinforces Ardo's words, glad it was over as he tried to bear through the pain, which were all in all pretty serious but he was not bleeding out like another of their party. To the rest he adds, "Yes, I may even offer trying to take a brief rest before moving on."
Out of Character: I believe Gabriel has lost 11 HP and is a 8 out of 19. Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Aug, 2016 - 1:30pm
According to my records, I have the following:
Bugbear: 7/21
Hunter: 2/11
Gabriel: 6/19
Drethen: 10/13
Ardo: 8/22
Davik: 0/14
Everyone else is at full HP.
Meanwhile, Jude sets about cleaning and bandaging wounds. He's out of magical healing so he's left with only the regular skills of a healer.
"Yes, Master Gabriel, I'll be happy to chat with you after I've done my best to restore the damage that your violent ways have caused."
Out of Character: That last hit would have put Hunter at -2 HP according to my record since he was on 6 before. Which one are we going with?
Motioning for the bag of goodberries from Delgar, Ardo take out a berry and feeds it to Hunter. After waiting a brief moment he feeds a 2nd berry to Hunter. "Welcome back Hunter, once you gather your wits and equipment we can go over to see whom has their own healing and whom needs more. Drethen, please take these 3 berries and eat them. That should take care of your wounds."
Out of Character: : I always stand by the old adage: The Dungeon Master is always right. I'm thinking there was a healing in there from Jude that you may have missed.
Hunter takes a couple of minutes to catch his breath. He thanks Ardo for the berries, "Good on you… now let's check this place thoroughly."
Hunter then tries to examine everything before peering in that hidden room.
Out of Character: Dungeon Master, since you insist. Buddha, how much healing do those berries give?
Drethen will eat three of the berries as he checks on the two fallen bugbears. He will attempt to bind their wounds if their is any life still in them. If not he will go to the other bugbear, "You comrades fought well and bravely by my side. As did you. I hope they find peace in their next life and know I and grateful of the help you and they provided to us. May their deaths be not in vain."
Drethen will search the undead for any valuables they may have.
Out of character: Berries provide 1 hit point each. I will be away for 1 day [Falrun] if you want to divide my healing up to keep the game running at a good pace I won't mind. I healed Davik for 6 that leaves 2 heals and 5 berries.