Hunter asks Ardo, "Where do you get healing potions? Does this place sell any anti-poison or poison cure as well?" He asks for the prices.
Gabriel had spent his time in the chapel, seeking advice and on explaining all that had taken place being reminded he could have healed himself by laying on hands as well call holy energy into his weapon. Both of these could have better helped keep his companions safe.
After taking the time to meditate and reflect on how things had gone he went to the Raven to rest. The paladin would awaken a bit later then others yet get ready in time to meet with the others.
Passing by Ness' room and seeing the commotion Gabriel's curiosity and even concern would lead him to ask, "What happened, what is… " He found his words cut off as he saw the woman's mangled corpse, his distress clear as he says, "No!"
Out of Character: I hope there are those still nearby, and I'm not too late to interact with a character still at the scene of the crime. My apologies for the wait.
Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Aug, 2016 - 9:39am
I believe I am probably still there going over the room for any clues I might have missed.
"Did you know her well? I'm trying to figure out how she died. Have you seen this kind of magic before? I confess I am not myself today. Something Hunter said earlier."
Davik: Tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll tell you what you find. There are no rolls for investigation in 2E. Also, please re-read my posts since returning to the keep. All of your other questions have already been answered.
There are not visible marks on the body. No puncture wounds in or around the neck. It’s as if the moisture was somehow sucked out of her through the skin, itself.
Ardo: The smith accepts your offer of engraving Bleredd’s symbol into the hammers. This process will take three days for him to accomplish.
The priest has never seen anything like this, but he has heard rumors of a creature, possibly of magical nature, that could possibly fit this description. He recommends you check with the wizard at the Merchant’s Guild for more information.
The Merchant’s Guild offers several services. One of them being research by the resident wizard who also supplies spells for sale and is your contact for healing potions and anything magical. They do not currently carry anything other than healing potions, but you can consign them for whatever type of potion you want, provided you can supply the raw ingredients and pay in advance for the brewing. This is also where you get your magic items identified.
Given the description of how Jess’s body was found and any additional information provided by the priest, he suggests that what you may be dealing with is something called a ‘Slithering Tracker’. This creature quite possibly has magical origins, but by nature it is difficult to see having some form of natural invisibility. It attacks its victim by paralyzing it and then drawing all of the liquids out of the body over the course of about an hour, which is more than enough time since the paralyzation lasts about 12 hours. The wizard goes on to add that creatures like this are most commonly used to guard a wizard’s treasure, or something of that nature.
In checking in with the gate guards, Ardo finds out that Mendal is currently out of the keep, but is expected back in the next day or two.
Ardo continues to speak with the Wizards. "Dear Mage, do you know if they can be detected with a detect evil spell? Also can you outline them with a faerie fire spell a cleric can use? Thank you so much for the information. Now for potion making do you have set recipes that I can gather the materials for or do I have to find this out myself and bring you the recipe and ingredients?"
Once Ardo gets back to the group he goes over what he found out at the Mage Guild about the Slithering Tracker. "Hunter, you can purchase healing potions from the mage guild."
Out of character: I am presuming we are all still wounded since there is not a lot of sources to pay for magical healing?
I'd like to try search the room, make sure nothing was taken. I don't know if there's a way for me to tell if there was anyone else in the room, but looking at adjoining buildings to see if someone could of cast a spell from there and hit Jess. I guess all of this would go into either perception or intelligence checks, but I'm not sure. If it isn't what I think it is, and one of the priests we were fighting did this, I'd like to try and rule out other possibilities and work out how it was done.
Hunter thanks Ardo for the information and heads over to the guild to the wizard.
Out of Character: he is interested in the following and needs to know the cost of:
* A healing potion to restore full health rather than on a roll
* A regular healing potion 1D8
* A potion to reverse poison when drunk
* A potion to reverse disease when drunk
* Upgrading current sword so its a +2 and can affect undead with -1.
* A magical composite bow.
Ardo: The mage rubs his chin for a moment and says, “I don’t think a detect evil spell will locate them as they are neutral by nature, not evil. As for faerie fire, I see no reason why it shouldn’t work. But, I should warn you, I have no direct experience with one, so I can’t be certain.”
As far as potion creation is concerned, if you’d like to buy a potion, it will cost 2x the experience point value listed in the DMG and take one day per 100 exp to brew, based on availability of materials (Determined through a random die roll). For a potion that does something that’s not listed in the DMG I’ll give a quote.
So, a potion to:
- Restore full health: 4,000 gp.
- Reverse Poison: 3,500 gp.
- Cure Disease: 3,750 gp.
- Regular healing: 50 gp (As stated previously)
Additional services include:
- Adding one plus to an already magical weapon: Can’t be done. Well, it can be done, but the chance of disrupting the magical balance and destroying the weapon is too great. It would cost 4,400 gp and only have a 5% chance of success per plus.
- A plain +1 magical weapon, regardless of type, will cost 2,000 gp and take 6 weeks to produce.
Davik: Further investigation of Jess’s room reveals nothing new. There doesn’t appear to be anything out of place or anything missing, as far as you can tell. There are no “empty spots” indicating that something was there before and no “clean spots” indicating something that had been sitting in one place for a while had been removed. As far as adjacent buildings are concerned, most of them are single story buildings while Jess’s room is on the second floor of the tavern. If you look from her position on the bed to the broken out pane of glass in her window, there is nothing but the horizon to be seen.
Edited: Falrun on 16th Aug, 2016 - 5:34pm