In that case, I think I want to ask around the regular bar patrons that were in the bar last night, if they saw anything suspicious. I definitely think whoever attacked her would need to be in the room with her, so unless they were invisible (And some of them were sober enough to notice what was going on) they might have seen something that'll help us in this investigation.
Davik asks around the tavern about the previous evening's activities. It's not difficult to get people to talk since it seems to be about the only topic on anybody's mind.
Although the regulars who knew Jess are saddened by the event, nobody can recall anything that was out of place or suspicious the previous evening. And, given the amount of merchants and travelers who come through this place, defining 'suspicious' is a task in and of itself.
Hunter protests the logic in prices especially with restoring full health… "Why I could buy dozens of regular healing potions with that and end up with the same benefit."
He sighs and says, "Well what about poison antidote at least?"
He then purchases 16 regular healing potions at 800gps.
Is there only one entrance to the tavern? If so, I go to it, and I see if there are any guards in viewing distance of it. If they are unaware of what happened, tell them. They would clearly be better at investigating what's going on than any of us would, and ask them if they saw anything suspicious last night (I know I'm grasping at straws here, but we have few clues, so anything we can find out would be useful).
Gabriel did not know her well, never really had the chance. Yet now he regretted not taking the chance to spea k with her, conversing with her in conversation could have still happened earlier. Yet now is too late and in answer to Davik's question he shook his head before saying, "No I did not."
The nature of her death was confusing, as the Paladin could not think of what it might have been that happened. It could have bern a spell, since he has learned that there's a spell for anything if one is powerful enough, or perhaps a vampire but he did not think that was the case here. Maybe also some other creature or monster.
Still he grew curious of Davik's actions, as the thief was being very thorough in his investigation of what it happened. Gabriel watching as he searched the room and then following as he went about asking the tavern patrons questions.
Out of Character: Hunter, there was only a limited number of regular healing potions, and they are already bought. Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Aug, 2016 - 12:43pm
In review, there were five holy waters and five healing potions available. Drethen bought all five holy waters leaving none for Ardo, and Ardo bought four of the five healing potions leaving one for sale. I think that's correct unless I missed something on one of the posts.
In response to Hunter, the wizard responses, "The healing potions are so cheap because of high demand. We make them often enough that our time and production costs are greatly reduced. In addition, the ingredients necessary have become a popular trade good because of the high demand. The other potions do not enjoy such high demand and their ingredients are much more costly. However, if you'd like to bring me some venom from a medusa's snake hair, we can certainly reduce that price for you by more than half.
Davik: There is a main entrance to the Tavern, a connecting entrance from the Inn next door, and a back entrance for the kitchen. And, again, due to the influx of travelers and merchants in the evening from various parts of the world, it's difficult to say what's 'suspicious' and what's normal. When you confront the keep's guards, they just look at you like you're a strange little halfling.
Out of Character: Gabriel bought the last healing potion, which is why I said there was none left. I admit, I actually considered my character looking for some holy water but I wasn't sure if such was available. Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Aug, 2016 - 12:49pm
"Well, I'm out of ideas, Gabriel," says Davik "Why don't we have a drink while I think. There's got to be an angle I haven't thought of yet. All evidence I've seen points to whoever, or whatever, did this being in the room with her. It scares me how easily they must have gotten in, we're going to have to be extra careful it doesn't happen to any of the rest of us."
While he drinks, he tells Gabriel a tale of his youth, how his parents had died when he was young, and left him with a smithy to run. How he had stolen to keep his smithy afloat, until he became good enough that he didn't need to. He told him of the orphaned elven girl he had taken on as his apprentice, naming her Reana, after his mother. He revealed that this was the reason he was so saddened when Hunter had called him out as a thief before he even knew him. After finishing his drink, Davik would like to go to send a magical message to his smithy, just to let them know he is ok, and not to worry about him.
Out of Character: I haven't really said where my character is from in the world. Is there a town within walking distance that I could have come from, perhaps one with a smithy? Edited: rossaldinho on 17th Aug, 2016 - 1:19pm