As you continue to discuss, the overly large and boisterous merchant with the two lovely ladies by his side calls over, "My good adventurers, please join me for a drink and a meal. Maybe we can help each other out. My name is Mendal, by the way."
Thane is amazed how the proposal has caused a ripple of emotions among the friends of the stranger. He weighs the odds but is interrupted by the 'pimp' and decides to go over there to see what he has to say while smiling at the ladies and sipping his drink.
"Mendel, pleased to meet you. I am Oberon." He sits down, ignoring the ladies who look much to thin and fragile for his tastes. "Certainly we are always interested in proposition."
"Being a merchant, I can always use a good set of guards to protect me and my goods, especially when traveling through such wild lands."
As he talks you notice that the ladies seem to be a little too focused on him. They don't seem to acknowledge your presence and they seem to hang off of his every word.
"You should be safe in the keep," Oberon muses. "How long until you are planning on moving on? We have a current project that might take a few days to complete."
Noticing the women, Oberon thinks back to see if he has seen them eat, drink, or act independently in any way. Might they be an illusion he wonders?
I must agree with my new companions it seems like we have a job lined up but me might be able to help afterwards perhaps you could tell us what kind of merchandise you deal in and what kind of protection you require and for how long