"I have enough coin to pay for what I need," says Davik "I'll have to find out if I can get it first, the best I might be able to do is flasks of oil lit on fire and thrown. I'm grateful to you for saving me, so I'm willing to pay for the alchemist fire out of my own pocket, if there is such a thing. If you'd like to donate some coin to get more, that's entirely up to you, my friend. Same deal for the flour, I'm definitely buying some for myself, if you'd like me to get some for you, a donation for me would be useful, but not necessary." Edited: rossaldinho on 19th Aug, 2016 - 8:25pm
"I gave most of my gold for the essentials… you know, healing, poison and disease. Anything else should be done by someone else that has more than I. Its not wise to spend all in one go. Let me not keep you and or Ardo if you want to seek the clerics help. I'll be at the Tavern in one of the corners."
Hunter goes to the tavern, he looks for an isolated spot in the tavern where he can sit unnoticed and listen to the talk.
Out of Character: How much would that cost me, then? For, let's say, seven flasks of oil and seven bags of flour?
A 5lb bag of flour costs 2cp and a flask of oil costs 6cp. But, if you're going to buy more than two (You should also do this for your potions), you'll have to describe how you're going to carry them so that they don't break by knocking into each other or something else hard that you're carrying.
Out of Character: I also buy a roll of cloth, and wrap the oil individually. I was thinking each of us can carry one each, I'll. Have another think. Any ideas? Having the ability to do AoE on these zombies would be a great asset. Could I make loops in a rope and use that to hold the flasks, like a bandolier of grenades. I realise that that's risky, as one bandit with a flaming arrow could blow me sky high. As to the flour, I think I would have it sent to our room, and the party puts one each in their gear. That way, if we get ambushed alone, we can throw it on the tracker. Let me know how many flasks of oil I can safely carry like that, and I'll buy that many and bring them back to the party to divvy up. I'll buy seven bags of flour, but have them sent to our room. I'll buy some tinder and flint so I can light the flasks of oil.
Drethen will buy some cloth rags to pack in his back pack to keep the holy water vials protected from damage.
"I think we should head out and back to the caves. Waiting here for something that may not even be looking for us is a waste of our time. I would rather be out fighting to clear that valley of caves out. The oil idea is a good one. We can use that on trolls too if we find one."