Sounds like a plan to me. I am fine with changing watch every hour throughout the night even though that might mean we have to do it twice.
Out of Character: So three bags of flour, then? We shouldn't have to place much on the floor or windows, but outlining it will help. If I can get a sneak attack on it before it's aware of me, I might be able to alpha-strike it, do a lot of damage before it can do anything.
"Good idea," says Davik "I'll order the flour and have it sent to the house next to the tavern, so someone else can pick it up there. That should allay any suspicion. I'll pick up the oil as well while I'm out."
Out of Character: I buy a padded bag (How much?) and buy the flour and 13 flasks of oil, putting three on a bandolier made out of my 50ft of silk rope, the rest going in the bag. So -84cp for the flour and oil. How much is the cloth to wrap the flasks in the bag to avoid them knocking into each other? Also, what's the exchange rate for gold: silver: electrum: copper? Edited: rossaldinho on 22nd Aug, 2016 - 11:15pm
There are no 'padded bags' available, but you could follow Ardo's example and purchase a bolt of cloth to use as padding.
1 pp = 5 gp
1 gp = 2 ep
1 gp = 10 sp
1 sp = 10 cp
The party runs around all day purchasing supplies and getting their room set up. After dinner everybody heads up to their room for the great lock in.
Ardo casts his Wyvern watch on the area and Hunter heads to bed.
Who will take first watch, and how long will each watch last?
Out of Character: I do follow Ardo's example, but I do still buy a second bag to hold the oil. If something goes wrong, I do not want the oil to get loose in my bag. I say that I'll probably take one of the middle watches, as I can hide in shadows and maybe get a sneak attack on the creature, as I think the middle of the night is the most likely period that the creature would attack.
Hunter will arise for third watch (3am) with sword in hand and his eyes looking at the garlic on the window and the coins prepped on the door.
Out of character: Watches will last 1 hour. I'll take the first watch and fourth. I would like 2 people per watch.