Hunter watches as Davik squeezes himself into the crypt. While not a good time for jokes he cracks one anyway, "Watch out for big ugly black spiders".
Out of Character: Dungeon Master, I doubt there is a need to wait for everyone else since we can't really 'do' anything else other than wait.
Davik squeezes his way into the room and makes his way over to the lever.
Taking a quick look around the room he finds nothing of interest. In fact, the place seems to have been recently cleaned as there is no dust or anything else lying about.
He can see that there are two exits that lead from the room to tunnels (Ten feet tall, eight feet wide) cut through the rock). The left-hand passage has an arrow and the word "QUASQUETON" engraved at eye level only a few feet in but the tunnel has completely collapsed; characters can only go this way thirty feet or so before having to turn back. In just that space, however, they discover unmistakable signs that something was working to clear the passage.
The opposite tunnel, to the east, is the tunnel that most of the party is somewhat familiar with and leads to the evil temple.
Checking carefully, Davik doesn't find any traps in or around the lever.
Out of Character: : Sheesh, can't anybody take a day off around here? .
Davik carefully investigates the area for any sign of big, hairy spiders, then pulls the lever.
Not finding anything else in the area, Davik carefully pulls the lever. The stone grinds as it seemingly effortlessly slides back from the doorway allowing free entrance to the rest of the party.
Hunter, still in a sarcastic mood says, "Well, that took you long… was there a wench in here that caught your fancy?"
He then suggests closing back the doors and checking both hallways for traps before going down them, even the one that only leads 30 feet.
He also shines his lantern down the hallway to the temple to see if anything lurks.
Out of Character: "Take a day off", what's that? Is that like a special feat or skill for the next scenario? .
"This seemed far too easy, Hunter," said Davik "I wanted to make sure we were not walking into a trap. I'll check both corridors so we don't stumble into one." Davik sets about checking the corridors for any traps, and looks around the caved in corridor for anything that might be hidden there.