Ardo you need not concern yourself with replacing your coin I am able to cast that spell now, when we get some down time again I will simply prepare another coin for you. I also have access to a spell that will make one of you invisilbe for a time as long as you do not attack anything if someone wants to enter the room and surprise anything that may be waiting for us. Although we may have lost the element of surprise with the darkness spell being broken.
"Shall I scout ahead to ensure we are not ambushed in our turn, our experience with the Tracker has left me on edge," said Davik.
The light on the coin blinks out as it negates the darkness.
Now, just to be clear, I've got Hunter and Drethen marching down into the room with everybody else following. Is that the plan?
Is Davik confident that the magical darkness wasn't concealing a trap? Also, if others are leading, Davik will remain in the back, keeping in stealth for the possibility of getting a sneak attack on one of the priests (As it won't work on the undead).
Hunter would not be "Marching" he would always let Davik check for traps and he would move carefully down often using his sword to prod ahead. Then too he has his special sense so he won't be surprised.
Okay, so I have Davik leading the way down the stairs, searching for traps. He is followed closely by Hunter and Drethen, side by side, ready for trouble. Third rank we have Ardo and Gabriel followed by Delgar and Jude.
Please review the player's 'battle map' to confirm and let me know if there's anything that I missed.
Out of Character: It looks good to me. I would watch out for what's around the corner keeping in mind what he calls it, "Battle map".