Out of Character: : KNToran, you took a total of 10 HP. I think you may have missed the 2hp that Drethen took on page 270. It was buried in the text a bit so it was probably easy to over look.
"Shall I take point again for this final hallway?" Asked Davik "We don't want any surprises. I find it strange that we have not seen more undead." He looks to the Cleric "Was it you that sent the assassin after us?"
Davik leads the party down the southern corridor. After a turn to the left and a turn to the right, the corridor opens up into an unlit chamber that seems to serve as a crypt. Most of the simple stone tables are blank, but on five of them you see people—three women in black robes and two men in red ones—stretched out, hands at their sides or folded across their chest. You can't tell from a distance if they're living or dead—if living, why are they so perfectly still? If dead, how can their bodies be so perfectly preserved? The room is utterly quiet.
"For a group that had no problem raising the dead for their own causes it seems strange they would not the bodies of their own order members. Shall we venture in and take a look."
"Could someone check back in the other room to see if the bodies are still there?" said Davik "I think I heard a story about this. These are clones, I believe. Replications of the clergy upstairs, is this something clerics can do, Ardo? Is there any magic here, Delgar?"
Out of Character: Davik tries to remember what he knows about clones.
Ardo walks back to check the other room to see if the bodies are still there. "If the clerics could make replications of themselves I think we are already dead and in the afterlife for I believe that is an extremely powerful spell only a few people might even know."