Drethen enjoys the feast and sits back while listening to all the talks. He is still interested in going and exploring the caves to make sure they are all cleared out of problems. On the other hand he is wanting to see what else is available for them and maybe new places to go explore.
You find out from the Castilian that the owner and ruler of the keep was called off about five years ago to participate in a war with Iuz's kingdom. He hasn't been heard from since. In the meantime, the Castilian was left in charge to run the place in his absence.
Since then, the keep hasn't done as well financially as they'd liked and they generally get by more on a socialistic level in that everybody participates in guard duty and other things in order to keep things going.
The reason why the caves were able to become 'infested' again is because they keep couldn't afford to send patrols out to make sure things stayed quiet. Now that the roads are safe again, trade should pick back up and that's another reason why everybody in the keep is so grateful to you all.
Out of Character: : Yes, all prices in the PHB are valid. As far as what the next adventure should be, what would you all like to do? If you have any modules in mind that you would like to go through, let me know. I have quite a few and should be able to manage.
After the feast ill mention "I wouldn't mind heading towards the great city of greyhawk, ive heard so much about it plus who knows what we can discover along the way. It will be a pretty far journey so I would recommend buying a horse if we decide to head that way."
"Well Delgar, Greyhawk might be a good plan. It should be big enough for us to find ways to enrich ourselves with either monies or deeds. Also no worries about returning that potion of healing. You mentioned you would be able to cast some continual light spells for me. If you could do that on these 3 coins they should fit inside my lantern quite well."
Out of character: I am fine with heading to the big city and I am game for any module you have in mind.
Ah yes thanks again for that healing potion I forgot all about it, I will create those continual light coins for you tomorrow as I need to prepare the spells to make them I hope that is okay ardo.
Out of Character: : Just off the top of my head, I'd suggest three choices.
1) On your way up to Greyhawk, you run across the Village of Hommlet. You're characters would start out a little bit on the high side of recommended levels, but it's nothing that I can't work with.
2) On your way up to Greyhawk, you run afoul of the Slave Lords.
3) You make it to Greyhaw and get sucked into either Castle Greyhawk or the Ruins of Greyhawk.
I'm good with any of the three, or if you have other suggestions, I'll consider them as well.
Out of Character: What can you tell me about the Slave Lords? I imagine Davik would have heard about them in his conversations with fellow tradesman. Also, should I keep hold of my composite Shortbow now that I have the magic shortbow+1?
Edited: rossaldinho on 14th Oct, 2016 - 6:49pm
Out of character:I do not think I have ever played the Slave Lords before but I have been to the Village of Hommlet quite a few times. I would love to try the Slave Lords!