Davik checks for traps and then moves stealthily ahead of the party, continuing to look for traps as he goes.
"Gentleman, it looks like Davik will be leading. I suggest Drethen following him by Delgar then Hunter and myself will bring up the rear. Does anyone have any other suggestion on party order."
Out of character: I am assuming we do not need lanterns or torches. If we do mine will be lit by the continual light coin.
As Davik approaches the door, the horses and mules all balk at the idea of entering the mansion. They will not go through the doors unless forced. And, even then, they will fight against being in the building. The only exception, of course, is Drethen's stone horse.
The hall is dark with a set of double doors at the north end of the corridor and a single door half way down the way to the east. Hallways and rooms that have an exterior window will be slightly lit while any interior rooms or hallways without windows will be completely dark.
Edited: Falrun on 25th Oct, 2016 - 6:00pm
"I think we leave the horses and mules out here and go inside to see what we can find. I think this place is not a good place and that is why they are balking." Drehten gets off his horse and commands it back to stone. He is ready to head inside.
Delgar will reach into his pouch and pull out his continual light coin and prepare to enter the hallway once Davik has cleared it. While he searches the hallway, Delgar will look for something suitable to tie the horses too "I guess we need to find somewhere to tie up the horses, to keep them from wandering into the mist"
The foyer has a short iron fence that lines the patio with short stone columns at each corner giving you plenty of locations to tie up your mounts.
Out of Character: : For your information, Drethen, your stone horse is always stone unless you give it a Stone to Flesh potion. Then it will only be flesh for as long as it takes for it to heal an damage. After which, it will turn back to stone.
Ardo takes the time to unsaddle his horse. Place some water in a bucket for his horse to drink and make sure it is feed. He then takes a quick moment to groom the horse and set up a feeding area with the supplies purchased. Once complete he looks at the group while preparing his lantern with the continual light coin. "Gentleman, Davik has assured us there is no trap right by the door, I am going to go open that double door and see what is in store for us."