Hunter looks at the spell casters, "Any of you have some kind of fire spell or dispell? Although, I feel the two of them seem destined to be together how long will such a spell last?"
"I do not have anything that can't dispel that. From my limited knowledge of spell casting that is a mighty spell and well beyond anything I have in my arsenal to counter it with. It should be affected by fire and will also slowly melt through normal methods."
"Then we should move on and leave Charles and his sister to themselves." Hunter looks down the corridor and moves forward carefully to see what is there.
"If we leave them be, is there not the risk they might kill each other," Gabriel asks, concerned for the woman and her brother while also considering what they could provide in understanding this place, "Could they not provide information we need that helps towards escaping this mansion?"
Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Feb, 2017 - 5:18pm
Hunter peers down the hallway. He can see that there are two more doors on the southern wall. One only thirty feet from your current door and the other a total of eighty feet away.
Hunter decides waiting for the in house thief to act might be like waiting for this house to cough up the exit so he does the job himself by proceeding forward to the next door to have a listen. If he hears nothing he will open. If he hears something he will wait for the others.
Ardo follows Hunter down the hallway. "While I am concerned about the lady and her brother. I do know from my siblings, blood is thicker than water and if we interfered we might end up getting attacked by both of them."
Hunter inspects the door. He doesn't find anything unusual, or at least anything more unusual that usual, and he hears nothing from inside.
Opening the door, he finds that this room has in it typical clerical items. It appears to be the room used by clergy to prepare for ceremonies of all types.
Inside there is a set of vestments that appear to be geared towards good aligned deities, a set for neutral aligned deities, and one for evil deities. The vestments are as generic as they can be as no particular deity can be identified by any of the three sets.
Close inspection of the room reveals, in addition to the vestments, four 1' diameter holes in the ceiling. They are evenly spaced from east to west and are deep enough that you can't see what's inside of them. Infravision also doesn't help as whatever is up there appears to be of the same, uniform temperature.