Hunter plays with his chin. "It would appear that someone is involved in a conspiracy here, but why?"
Before Hunter takes one of each of the clerical items just in case it is needed he asks the party if it can be checked for magick.
After he will check the next door in the same manner.
Gabriel sighs, muttering softly on the situation but has to admit to himself there doesn't seem to be anything he could do at the moment so follows the others in checking the other rooms.
He considers the vestments, frowning as he sees the set for the deities of evil. Gabriel is a bit confused with the holes in the ceiling, wondering what they are for before turning to focus on what the others would do.
On the question from Hunter on checking for magick on the vestments, Gabriel says, "I can check for evil and for magick." The first by using his ability to detect evil and the second using his spell detect magic.
Gabriel inspects the items and finds them to be neither inherently evil nor magical in nature.
There's a door on the east wall and the west wall. The east door appears to lead into the room with Charles and Madeline.
Hunter goes over to the door that leads to Charles. He will ready his bow just behind Drethen and aim saying "Someone hold my bullseye lantern we need to shine it right at him."
"Perhaps we should see if we can reason with him before shining a light in his eyes," Gabriel offers, in consideration with the situation before saying, "If we make him mad, Charles might do worse then just create a wall of ice that blocks us out."
Though he hoped this was still kept in mind, the paladin reminds, "Light is what set him off before, causing the outburst before." Gabrial does not want for this chance to be wasted, so he felt more thought was needed.