Hunter observes the mess and comments, "It does not seem favorable, who is going first?" He looks at the expression of the trees and decides to talk at one of them, "What is this?"
"I have a bad feeling about this gentleman. Dear Blerred give me the power to pass through this arch." Ardo then walks up to the door and see if it is locked.
Hunter attempts to talk with the flowers. He finds that they do not seem to respond. The only thing that he notices is that some of the faces seem to blink out of existence while some appear to blink into existence. The overall effect is one that is very similar to what he experienced in the boxing room with the eyes that floated over the chairs.
Ardo moves through the arch. As he does, some of the blood dripping from the arch lands on his armor. He checks the door and finds that it doesn't appear to be locked.
Out of Character: Anybody moving through the arch will get blood on them. The only way to get to the door is to move through the arch. Anybody getting blood on them needs to make a saving throw vs. Spells.
Need some text to post a roll. I really hope there is nothing bad about this roll. Not sure if my ring of spell turning works so I will let you roll that for yourself if needed.
Out of Character: Dungeon Master you gave it away.
In Character: "If the door is locked use the key, I'm coming back."
Hunter goes back to the room where they killed the zombies and gets some of the old cloth, robes or whatever he can find to put above him. He makes a cover so the blood cannot reach him. When the door is open he will pass through quickly.