Hunter reaches the southern door. He checks it for traps, if it's locked, or if he can hear any noise on the other side. He comes up empty on all three so he opens the door to find a room that has its walls and ceiling painted blue. The floor is covered with an azure colored carpet. The incense of cedar, saffron, and ambergris fills the room. The room contains miscellaneous furniture, all dyed blue. The room appears to be empty.
As Drethen approaches the thrones, he spots an odd subtle outline in the base of the dias upon which the thrones sit which, to his half elvish eyes, tells him that there's a secret compartment.
Also, at that time, Ardo appears to now be suffering the same bewilderment that struck Gabriel earlier. This time, however, it appears that instead of recovering, Ardo is becoming more and more confused.
Out of character: My post from yesterday seems to have gone missing. In it I was trying to cast a protection from evil spell and leave the room.
Hunter does not want to experiment now, so he leaves this room and heads for the double doors to see what is there. He inspects them in the same manner he did with this door.
Drethen pries the secret panel off of the base of the dias. As he does, a needle pops out from behind the panel narrowly missing his hand.
In side of the small cubby, he finds seven pieces of matching jewelry which he figures could only have belonged to one of the skeletons that now sits motionless on the thrones.
The sensation of the foreign entity invading Ardo's consciousness gradually fades away since it isn't able to gain a foothold in his mind. Despite the respite, he feels that the entity may target another member of the party, especially if they stay in this room much longer.
Making his way across the room to the double doors, Hunter opens the doors to find a long hallway, 20' wide, running east and then turning south. The hallway has a thick red carpet running its length just like the carpet found in the throne room.
Hunter keeps the doors open and says, "I suggest we make a move on… we can take a note of this room and come back." Hunter then carefully goes down the corridor taking in all around him.
Ardo left the room as soon as Hunter held those doors open not wanting to stay inside any longer than needed.