Drethen grabs the jewelry and the mace. As he does, he's immediately able to tell that the mace is nothing more than a decorative symbol of some type and is valueless.
With the door to the east open, everybody is able to make it out of the room before anybody else is effected by the consciousness that seemed to be looking for a new home.
Once through the doors, you find yourselves in a wide hallway with a red carpet down the middle. You can immediately see a single door on the south wall of the hallway, double doors on the north wall right before the hallway turns south, and several more doors in the southern section of the hallway.
"Time to do some search and find… and hopefully we won't find trouble."
Hunter goes by the first door on the right and makes the same check he always makes: listen, look for any kind of trap and open for the effect of surprise.
Out of Character: Welcome back Dungeon Master, I thought you might have fallen asleep in the mansion.
Gabriel though turn to the strange presence he felt trying to enter his mind, and nods before saying, "Yes, lets continue on before anything more bad happens." The Paladin was on edge with all that had already happened, as well as how so many have already had to die.
Hunter inspects the first door on the southern wall and, finding nothing out of place, opens it.
This room is obviously a library. Its walls are lined with shelves filled with books and scrolls. There is someone sitting in a leather covered chair in the center of the room reading a book. Though the individual has the body of a human, his head is that of a large collie dog. Around his neck is a small amber whistle.
As you enter, he sits up straight and says, "Good morning. My name is Claude Amber. How may I be of service, what are you looking for?"
Out of Character: Yes, Hunter. Some of us have jobs IRL and can't necessarily respond every ten minutes *smile*.
Hunter says, "While my main interest is to find an exit from this place I must ask you what that whistle is for?" says Hunter in his usual tone. He looks for exits and anyone else that might be there while the dog talks.
Out of Character: Yes Dungeon Master *wink* Party, is anyone considering the connection of the names of these people we are meeting and the fact some situations tend to be the same but with different characters? For instance this is like the room we met with Charles.
"Another Amber, should we be concerned of finding you here," Gabriel asks, a little worried as his hand moves to rest on his weapon as he explains, "We have met others of your family and they have been less then trustworthy or sound of mind."
"Hi, Charles is it? Like my friend said we seem to have come across some people that were less then helpful. All we want is to really get past the mist. Our current dilemma is we wish to read some of these books to see if they can provide any hints on how to do that without being either lead into a trap or attacked? Is that going to be possible?"