Hunter, a more or less serious man, cannot help but start to laugh at Drethren's unlucky events. He says, "If you were in a play you could not do much better than what I just saw."
Hunter then goes to the next door to make his usual checks.
Ardo leaves the room thankful that for now a 3rd time in a row they have encountered something and not had to fight. "Seems like our luck is changing gentleman. Another room investigated and we did not have to fight in that one."
"Yes fighting is not always the answer but for some reason a lot in this house seem to want to force our hands. Lets go explore some more and then see if we can find the gates that these keys go to."
Out of Character: Drethen will be heading to room 39 to see what is in there and the behind the door in there.
The party heads back to room 39 in order to more thoroughly investigate it as well as check out the door in the room.
Unfortunately, the entity that had tried to subdue them in room 34 is still there. As they pass through the room, they once again feel the alien entity trying to invade their conscientiousness.
Out of Character: Please include a saving through against spells on next post.
Ardo watched Drethen walk into room 39 and screams. "Drethen, STOP. Do not enter that room something is in there that is trying to possess people. I will not go into that room until I have rested as then I can cast protection from evil which will stop attempts at possession for a short time."
Hunter follows but does not enter the room. He folds his hands and shakes his head.
Out of Character: Would my repel spell ring affect possession?