Gabriel watches, a bit frustrated as he wants to enter and help but remembers how the entity had tried possessing him the last time he entered the room. The paladin was uncertain if he should risk going in and having the entity turn its attention to him.
Hunter says to himself, "What the hell… " he takes out his magic sword and swings it all around him like a barrier while searching the room for anything that looks like it might be 'powering' the entity.
Ardo's prayer spell seems to have done the trick, at least for now. Drethen is able to regain control of himself and feels as if he's returned to his body after watching himself from outside of it and drifting further and further away.
But, for the moment, he's back in control.
Hunter's wild swings appear to have no impact on anything…
The paladin calls to Drethen saying, "Hurry, now that you are free come out of the room before it tries possessing you again." Gabriel feels for the time being it is best to try moving forward.
Looking to Hunter he adds, "Hurry my friend, your swings do not appear to be affecting anything. Drethen is free of the entity's control." Gabriel hoped they both get out safe before Ardo's prayer wears off and the entity tries again. If they do not, the paladin will chance going in to grab them before any trouble arises.
Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Apr, 2017 - 6:52pm
Drethen, Gabriel, and Ardo make their way across the room with Hunter trailing randomly swinging his sword in the air. The room is so large that it will take more than a minute to get across and out one of the opposite doors.
As you rush across the room, Gabriel begins to feel the presence intrude on his mind but his steadfast faith in his deity helps to anchor his mind and keep him from succumbing to the entity.
He also gets a sense that the entity recognizes him from the last time through the room and it tried to posses him. Gabriel gets the sense that the entity will not make the same mistake of trying to take over his mind again.
Out of Character: Do I take it that Hunter's search turned up nothing? Where are we now on the map please?