"That was close gentleman. I do not feel like running through that room one more time before I have refocused my spells. Also I am not sure about Gabreil, but If I let in an evil spirit without resisting it could cause my god to forsake me and I might have to do a quest to regain his favour. Also who is to say this entity can even communicate once it has possessed someone."
Before the party is able to make it completely out of the room, Ardo feels the presence make one last attack on him before being left alone in the room.
(I'm assuming the party stuck together and as Hunter was the only one to specify a room, the party is now in room 39.)
The walls and ceiling of this room are painted blue. The floor is covered with an azure colored carpet. The incense of cedar, saffron, and ambergris fills the room. The room contains miscellaneous furniture, all dyed blue. The room appears to be empty.
Ardo starts off by searching the room for hidden things and door's. If I think I find something hidden I will point it out but not attempt to either open or disarm.
Hunter is more cautious as he figures that the room is blue for a reason. He take a torch and while lit he waves it into the room from side to side while checking to see if the light alters the 'blue' in any way. If it doesn't he takes a spot by the door and put the torch to it in a controlled way to see if the blue is paint or something else.
Out of Character: For a sec I thought the game was 'asleep'.
A careful search of the room reveals nothing out of the ordinary. The paint on the walls turns out to be just that, paint covering a layer of plaster on the brick construction of the house.
The carpet on the floor can be cut and peeled back to reveal the stone floor. The furniture appears to be plain furniture with no exceptional properties.
The only thing of interest is the door leading to the east. No secret doors, no traps, no… nothing.
"Gentleman, I suggest we camp here for the night. Only 2 doors to protect and I could use a changing of spells. We seem to have found a room that is not going to try and kill us."
Drethen will go open the door to see if anything is in the next room they can use against the entity. "I would want to make sure nothing is going to come from this direction."
Edited: KNtoran on 23rd Apr, 2017 - 1:27pm