Peaking through the door, Drethen finds a snow-white carpet covers the floor of the next room. The walls and ceiling are ivory colored. He can smell the incense of jasmine, ginseng and mandrake root. The white colored furniture in the room is covered with a layer of frost with banks of snow piled in the corners and around the edges of the room. The temperature in the room is freezing. A giant, white, six-legged lizard seems to lounging around in the room. It appears to be too large to come through the door.
Once Hunter learns of the lizard he will roll his eyes and look at Ardo, "Well I guess camping is good for now. Let's hope the lizard stays there and the blue room is just blue."
"Well we know it is too big to get through the door. What I fear is if we walk through that door we can't turn around and come back here. Is anyone in need of healing before I rest?"
Ardo begins healing Drethen with his remaining spells for the day. "Once I have used up my spells I will use the staff. Gabriel and Hunter do you need healing?"
Gabriel with answer to the question of healing, "Yes, I believe I might have a few wounds which need healing." The paladin planned to have a good rest, so that he was refreshed and ready for the next day.
Though being inside a building might making knowing the passage of time a bit difficult to know. Gabriel will though offer, "I am willing to take a shift in watching for trouble."
The party settles in for a bit of a rest. At several points during your eight hour respite, you can occasionally hear the large bulk of the lizard next door moving around its room. It doesn't sound too concerned about bumping into and dragging furniture as it finds a more comfortable place to relax, or whatever it might be doing in there.
The door to the north, however, provides a stark contrast. While you can occasionally hear the lizard to the east, the door to the north is deathly quiet. No noises come from that direction, not a bump, a thump, or so much as the squeak of a rat.
Fortunately, you are disturbed for the entire eight hours.