Gabriel was the first up and about. Doing some training exercises as well time to mediate and pray to calm his mind. The paladin wanted to make sure that he was ready for whatever they might find, though waited on others to wake up before going towards either door.
Out of Character: I'm going to assume you meant we were not disturbed, as the wording appears to suggest you were simply missing a negative. Edited: Thomaslee on 24th Apr, 2017 - 12:49pm
"Friends, I will also use the staff and provide healing for you Drethen and Gabriel. Hunter did you need any healing before we begin the day?"
Out of character: Or he means for him it was fortunate for he has much evil planned. If I get a new set of spells I have updated my character sheet.
In Character: "I'm good, I have no need of healing… " says Hunter to Ardo. He waits for the party to get itself together but in the mean time he checks the door that leads to the corridor to see if anything has changed.
Behind the door to the north, the throne room remains quiet and empty. The stark statuesque skeletons remain unmoved in their macabre poses.
Peaking through the door to the east, the white room remains cold. The lizard is still visible and notices you peaking through the door even though it doesn't appear to make any motions towards you. The only difference is that it is now laying in a different part of the room than before.
Out of Character: Yes, you survive the eight hours UNdistrubed.
Hunter asks openly, "Think that lizard is intelligent or just lazy? I wonder if there is anything in there worth checking." He makes no move, instead waiting to see what the others say.
The lizard sticks out its tongue, waves it quickly at Ardo before sucking it back into its huge mouth and continues to stare at Ardo as if he's one of the biggest bugs it has ever seen.