The lizard sees the rations (We'll say against the north wall) and rushes over to them. For the time being he appears preoccupied with them while he sniffs, tastes and otherwise inspects them.
Hunter taunts Drethren, "Go search the room, he is busy I got your back."
Hunter keeps his bow ready hoping he does not have to use it on the lizard. In fact if the lizard moves towards Drethren he will try to shoot just ahead of it so as to stop it rather than harm it.
Ardo follows Drethen towards the other side of the room hoping there is a door there. While Drethen is browsing for something shiny, Ardo is ready with another set of rations to toss at the lizard just in case it tries to come after them.
As Drethen and Ardo move into the room, the lizard gets tired of the rations. It appears as if he's almost forgotten how to eat. But, it doesn't seem like he's forgotten what it's like to be territorial.
Eyeing Drethen, he charges with a loud hiss.
Realizing the rations will not peak the lizards interest as it begins stalking towards Drethen and Ardo. Ardo readies his mace and shield and stands just off to one side of Drethen in case this creature has a breath weapon attack.
Gabriel will get between the lizard and his allies putting up his hands and trying to speak calmly to the creature and try to prevent a fight from breaking out.
"Easy, easy, we are not a threat. We do not want to hurt you," He will speak in a calm, firm tone loud enough to make sure the creature hears with one hand raised.
Gabriel will stand without hesitation or doubt, though with the other hand ready to draw his weapon just in case.
Out of Character: He has the non-weapon proficiency Animal Handling. Making a roll for such. Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Apr, 2017 - 3:34pm