Delgar will stand up and grab his sling and take aim at a skeleton and attack
Out of Character: Thank screaming, nah, my approach is different.
In Character: Thane, upon seeing the doors open shouts out a expletive and then wakes everyone up. "Maybe they just want to pass by and go back to where they came let's leave them."
However, he immediately recognizes that no one is hearing him and gets his bow ready but doesn't actually fire unless he sees someone being attacked.
Oberon realizes that the thief may be a pain in the ass, but at least he has a brain in his head. He steps out of the way of the zombies, readies his axe and shield, and waits to see if they will walk past if unhindered.
Ardo's attempt to turn the undead seems to effect the skeletons as the ones near the door scramble and and run back deeper into the cave. The ones near the back must not have been within range or at least they were unaffected as others shamble into their place along the walls of the cave.
The zombies seem completely oblivious except that they seem to take notice of Ardo and the rest of the party and start shuffling out directly towards your characters.
The only one that seems to be able to land a solid blow on the zombies is Thane but the zombie continues to advance with one of Thane's arrows sticking out of its shoulder.
The first one out of the cave attacks Ardo as he finishes his call for the destruction of the abominations but is not able to penetrate Ardo's armor. A second zombie, the one that was attacked by Rethal, strikes back at him with a viscous blow (2hp).
Taking advantage of the zombies apparent focus, Oberon takes the time to come around behind the closest zombie where he can flank it and drives his axe overhand into its back.
Well I guess it is on. I will take a swing with a warhammer. Trying my best Rick immatation.
Out of Character: I already rolled.
In Character: "Now loook what you've gone and done." Says Thane as he has no choice but to start shooting arrows that aim for where vitals are supposed to be.
I'll back up beside thane and load another bullet and aim for a zombie that isn't in combat