This long corridor is very chilly, as if the temperature is being magically manipulated to remain cool.
Rounding the corner, Hunter can see that the corridor extends another 130 feet. The north and south walls are lined with many rows of small doors. There are six rows of six 3’ x 3’doors on each wall. Other than these features, the corridor is empty except for the full sized door on the south wall 100 feet down the hallway.
Hunter looks back and describes what he sees. "Could be openings for snow dogs?" he says puzzled. He stays putt until the party comes to a decision about the next step.
Gabriel had been following along, keeping an out out for any danger and glad they had agreed to avoid entering the one room. One the room that led to the room which was chilled and the door beyond he says, "Perhaps, though why would they need the room so cold? Unless it was some sort of freezer or cold storage, I worry of any other answer."
The 3' by 3' doors appear to be made of iron. They are solid and have no windows on them. Looking closely, there appear to be markings below each door. The markings indicate a number.
All of the doors have a number and they appear to be sequential.
As the party reaches the large door, it is also made of iron and just as cold to the touch as the other iron doors in this hallway. The door appears to be neither trapped nor locked.
Hunter isn't keen about none of it he looks at all the doors as though expecting something to come out of them. Then he pushes open the large one carefully with arrow aimed for the first lunatic to come out.