This room is equipped somewhat like an alchemist’s laboratory, though most of the equipment looks unfamiliar. There are a number of knives, scissors and other surgical tools. A metal table stands in the middle of the room. On it is strapped a human male. Near the table stands a large, horrible, unearthly creature on six crab-like legs. It has a grotesque bloated body covered with an oily yellow-orange membrane, from which protrude masses of short tentacles, four yellow, bulging eyes and a repulsive tooth-filled mouth in the top. There are five large lumps on the upper part of its body, just above the baleful eyes.
As the door swings open, the creatures looks up from its grisly work and screeches out in warning.
Out of Character: : Initiative… provide initiative and appropriate rolls for your actions for you next post.
"I do not like this door either. So many doors to open and we seem to find enemies trying to kill us." Ardo brandishes his shield and readies his mace to start fighting.
Gabriel takes out his morningstar and shield, preparing for battle if they attack, and says, "Well this wasn't unexpected." The paladin knows that these strange creatures could offer a few surprises, so wouldn't underestimate them. For a moment there he had the strangest thoughts pass through his mind before brushing them aside and focusing on what was before him.
Out of Character: My apologizes, posted in the wrong thread. I will fix that now and create the post I had planned for here, please ignore what I posted for now. Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Jun, 2017 - 7:25pm
Hunter is shocked by the scene. After letting out some expletives he insists that the creature must die now.
The party rushes the creature at the same time that the creature charges on the party. Hunter fires off two arrows at the beast, but the creature's hide is tougher than it appears. The arrows seem to bounce off harmlessly.
Ardo is the next to react but his mace also bounces off of the creature. Being the closest to the creature and having attacked it, the monster strikes back at Ardo with one of its sharp claws. Ardo is able to just barely get his shield up in time to block the beast.
Both Gabriel and Drethen charge in but they too are unable to damage the creature.
Hunter fires off two more arrows. Both arrows fly wide, not even touching the creature as he had adjusted his aim to ensure he wouldn't hit any of his comrades as they fought the creature in hand to hand combat.
Ardo's second swing with his mace makes contact and, for the first time, the creature seems to flinch from the impact. Seemingly outraged by Ardo's insolence for even touching him, the creature reels back and hammers Ardo with a claw-like foot (9hp damage).
While Gabriel distracts the monster, Drethen charges in with a vicious hit with his sword. The creature reels in pain and you think you can see a tear form in one of the creature's many eyes.
Ardo feeling the effects but realizing that his companions are up to the task continues swinging. "(Laugh) is that the best you could do. Picking on a puny cleric. Well I can do better than you!"