As you approach the tavern, you can see that it seems to be pretty busy given the fact that there doesn't seem to be a town nearby.
The apparel of the patrons doesn't seem to be too far off of what you would expect. By your standards, it would seem that these people could be from Greyhawk, but from an area that isn't frequently visited. So they can tell that you are foreigners, but not really from where.
You can also understand their speech, but again, they have a heavy unfamiliar accent.
With everyone in agreement and on arriving at the tavern, Gabriel will look to his companions and ask with a chuckle, "Shall we get something to eat and drink my friends? Might as well, while we are here. I could use some ale right now, or whatever they have." The paladin was curious of where they were, but had the idea to ask after actually having each of them buy something. Edited: Thomaslee on 15th Jun, 2017 - 1:50pm
"Hopefully our coin is welcome here, otherwise we might be drinking water from a well and finding our own fare to eat."
Hunter comments, "I wonder if they are travelers like us doomed from the mansion we just came from… "
Hunter will take a dark corner of the place to make observations without bringing undue attention to himself.
As the party moves carefully through the tavern, you receive a few odd looks but nobody really pays that much attention to you. You get the impression that this establishment has seen its fair share of travelers from various distant lands.
As you settle into an out of the way table, the serving maid approaches and asks, "What all can I get ye?"
The maid raises and eyebrow and replies, "You all ain't from around here, are ya'll? We get are fair share of visit'rs, but you all ain't that familiar. Where hail you from?"
The maid herself isn't that noticeable. She has a build that is more akin to a half-elf, slim and tall, but she lacks the grace that any elven heritage would have bestowed. You also notice that everybody seems to have some type of lace on their person or worked into their clothes as if it were the fashion for the area.
Other than that, everybody else in the tavern seems very human. There are no demi-humans around, of any type, and everybody seems to be of the full human variety.
Since Hunter isn't at the table but lurking he will try to gather what the conversations are about to see if he can recognize what is being said, the time period, etc.