Gabriel consider how best to answer such, before explaining, "Far enough away I think for you to not have heard of the realm, though I guess it wouldn't hurt to say we are from the land fo Greyhawk." Hopefully saying such to the maid would not bring trouble, and the name would simply be unfamiliar. As well, the paladin hoped that giving such wouldn't bring suspicions.
The paladin looks to his companions, hoping he had not given this away when they might have thought it wouldn't have been wise. Gabriel gives an apologetically look if any disapprove. Continuing he will show the coin they have and ask, "Hopefully this will do for payment? We don't have any money from this realm." The man wanted to make sure before they got too out of hand in buying anything. Edited: Thomaslee on 15th Jun, 2017 - 3:15pm
At the mention of (Keoland, Sterich, Yeomanry… This is Greyhawk, not Forgotten Realms) the maid just kind of shrugs saying, "Well, I ain't never heard that one before."
Taking the offered coin she tosses it up in the air two or three times and then bites it. With a look of approval she says, "Aye, this is acceptable."
"As for where ye be now, this is the province of Averoigne. It's not thee greatest, but it's not bad… as long as ye'r don't make no trouble."
As Hunter listens to the conversation in the tavern, he's able to confirm that this is the province of Averoigne, as well. He's also able to make out from idle conversation that the nearest town lies to the east and is called Sylaire. The capitol and next town on the north road is Vyones. The next town, if you follow the road to the south is Ximes.
Other than that, there are some unfamiliar names mentioned in relation to the area's politics and major news, but the names are unfamiliar enough that they aren't readily understood or easily remembered.
"Yes, we believe to a few way that we can stay out of trouble," Gabriel says with a chuckle as he orders, before adding, "Though in all honesty, such is something we wish to avoid." The paladin hoped his humor and words were taken rightly, though he was somewhat testing the waters of what he can say or how others might react. The names offered of the places and providence held little meaning.
Still, so far the maid and tavern folk seemed a decent enough sort though Gabriel suspected that this could quickly change if any of them suspects members of the party to use magic. Yet he will ask, as they were new, "Though I will ask, which laws do you feel are the ones we should remember well so as to stay out of trouble?" Better to be safe then sorry later, in trying to make sure they all behaved well while here and avoid getting arrested or worse. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jun, 2017 - 5:08am
Hunter tells the party about what he has heard and the location of the towns.
"We are in another place he says… " without much expression. "Shall we rest here for the night and continue in the morning or leave now for the nearest town, but even if we do what will be the purpose since we don't even know what we are doing here."
He listens for comments following the wishes of the majority.
Ardo asks the barmaid if she knows of a place that would sell maps of the surrounding areas and if there were any learned people who could impart there knowledge for a small fee on what those areas held. Also like Drethen he orders a drink and the evening special and inquires if there is a room available for the night.
"I say we stay the night, it would be nice to sleep in a more familiar setting," Gabriel says to the question, his hands gesturing to indicate the tavern. He will then turn back to the tavern maid for the questions he had asked. Also, because he wanted to make sure his order was noted down as well. Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jun, 2017 - 4:52pm