Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 458 of 533

Hunter puts his hand on his chin and while - Page 458 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 23rd Jun, 2017 - 2:19pm

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22nd Jun, 2017 - 6:50pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 458

The Dawn Seeker says...

"We should not be quick to attack unless we know she has been doing more then keep to herself and defend herself," Gabriel offers with consideration, before softly offering his thoughts to them once he made sure no one was near to listen in, "Just because magic is illegal will not mean all users of magic are evil or need to be brought to harm." Hopefully, many might understand what the paladin meant by his words.

Admittedly, even he had to be careful with such words as Gabriel did consider that as a paladin it was perhaps his duty to obey the laws of the land. Still, it would very much bother him if he had to start killing or arresting someone simply because they used magic. That and there was the fact he himself as well many of his companions could also use such, even though their sources may be different, so they were not one to really place themselves above.

Out of Character: : Not sure if it will be made an issue, but I wanted to make sure it was known I had considered such thoughts. As a paladin and being of lawful good alignment, it might be expected for Gabriel to obey the laws of the land on magic.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 22nd Jun, 2017 - 7:17pm

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22nd Jun, 2017 - 7:10pm / Post ID: #
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

The Watcher from the Aether says...

As Hunter talks to the vendors, he comes to realize that most of the produce sold was locally grown in and around the swamp. The only properties they have is some minor medical or fabled curative traits.

You guess that the most they could be used for would be healing poultices or salves. A skilled alchemist may be able to make a weak healing potion, but you really can't tell.

In speaking to the locals and listening to the chatter in the tavern, you come to understand that nobody has caught the wizard because it seems that nobody can manage to get further than about 1/2 mile into the swamp. Not that there's any barriers, it's just that once you get about that far, all desire to go further pretty much gets sucked out of you causing all who try to turn around and head back.

There are a few tales of people who have been able to enter, but they have never been seen again.

23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Elf Bowman says...

Hunter tells the party what he heard. "If the forest is enchanted we may need protection or we will just turn around."

He looks at the magic users in the party for their opinion and adds, "Or we could simply go now and take our chances."

Post Date: 23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG
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Page 458 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

"I say we head that way and talk to this wizard. They may be able to give us some answers. Standing here is not getting us anywhere." Drethen will head towards the swamp to look for this wizard.

23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:28pm / Post ID: #
Cleric Level 7
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

The Arcane says...

Ardo starts following Drethen. "Once we get to this forest I can cast a spell or 2 to try and then we can go from there."

23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:44pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG

Elf Bowman says...

"Good" says Hunter as he starts to walk in the direction people say is the path to the wizard's castle.

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23rd Jun, 2017 - 2:08pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 458

The Watcher from the Aether says...

The party heads into the swamp. There appear to be trails created by the towns folk for about the first 1/4 mile. These trails lead to small fields of various vegetables and crops that grow in the swamp.

After about 1/4 mile the trials die off leaving only game trails to keep you from wandering into a peat bog or worse.

After about a 1/2 mile, these become scarce as well. Doing the best that you can, you make your way deeper into the swamp. The only opposition that you encounter are a swarm of mosquitoes now and then, and the croaking of frogs and toads just out of sight.

After about two miles and half the day, you reach an area of low vegetation that allows you to see a three story tower rising out of the swamp about 100 yards in the distance. The tower is on the opposite side of this clearing, but there's still ample vegetation between you and it to allow for a stealthy approach, should you choose to take one.

23rd Jun, 2017 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 458

Elf Bowman says...

Hunter puts his hand on his chin and while rubbing says, "A clearing, how odd… maybe he wants to see who is coming. We do not have anyone expert in this so I will have a go… "

Hunter tries to look for the best route to the tower without standing out and moves forward.

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