Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 460 of 533

Gabriel focuses on Sephora while she's - Page 460 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 26th Jun, 2017 - 6:38pm

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25th Jun, 2017 - 2:19pm / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 460

The Arcane says...

Ardo decides to be bold instead after casting his Protection from Evil spell and hoping if the spell caster is evil his ring of spell turning would be effective. He steps forward into the door and says "Hello?"

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25th Jun, 2017 - 2:58pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

The Watcher from the Aether says...

As you timidly enter the room, you are unable to see much. The darkness engulfs your torch only allowing you to see twenty feet into the tower.

As soon as the first person is fully in the room, torches flair on the walls with more light than than you've ever seen a torch give off making you assume they are magical. As the room is revealed, you see that it is a grand entrance hall.

The room is circular, about 50' in diameter and the ceiling is at least 20' high. There are doors on either side of the room. The floor is carpeted in what appears to be expensive rugs. The walls are adorned with trophies of various types. Some animal heads, some weapons, and some apparently mundane items along with a few tapestries and paintings.

As you enter, the muck and dirt of the swamp appears to fall off of you, keeping the room clean and tidy.

Towards the opposite side of the room is a large chair, big enough to be considered a throne, sitting on a 5 step dais. A long red runner leads from the door to the steps on the dais.

On the throne sits a lovely young lady wearing the robes you would expect of a magic user or wizard. To either side of the throne stands a large human fighter, adorned in plate mail and each carrying a two-handed sword.

As your eyes settle on the woman, she smiles a very charming smile and gestures for you to come in. "Please, come in and refresh yourselves. My name is Sephora and I am the liege of all the land that you can see from this tower.

"Who is it that has come to visit me and what brings such a handsome group to my humble door?"

Reconcile Edited: Falrun on 25th Jun, 2017 - 2:59pm

25th Jun, 2017 - 3:12pm / Post ID: #
Cleric Level 7
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

The Arcane says...

"Greetings Sephora, my name is Ardo. To be brutally honest we are not from here and are trapped in a horrid mansion from where we came till we can solve a puzzle. Part of this puzzle requires us to find something called The Enchanted Sword of Sylaire. Being as we were told this was an area called Sylaire we came here looking for leads for this weapon. You would perhaps know where we can find this sword?"

25th Jun, 2017 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

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Page 460 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

The Watcher from the Aether says...

Sephora continues to smile as Ardo makes his statement. Once he finishes, she says "Yes, I'm aware of all that goes on in my lands, despite the fact that it is a swamp. And, I'm glad that you are direct. Allow me to do likewise."

"I know of the sword that you seek and can get it for you. However, I have a task that you could help me with. While I am aware of everything that goes on in my lands, there is one who roams within my realm that eludes me."

"His name is Malachie du Marias and we were peers, learning from the same master. He, however, decided to take his lessons in a darker direction and got himself turned into a werewolf. Now he disrupts my domain every chance he gets."

"I'm hesitant to ask such a favor of you, but I feel it's the only way that I can address the issue. I'll provide you this sword if you can rid me of this thorn once and for all."

Post Date: 25th Jun, 2017 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

RPG Dragons and Dungeons Edition nd Falruns

Drethen speaks up, "Where can we find the wizard turned werewolf? How much of issue will this cause us and how do we know you have the sword? Or can get the sword for us?"

26th Jun, 2017 - 1:46am / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG

The Dawn Seeker says...

"A wizard turned werewolf is a very dangerous threat, so I can understand why you wish to get it under wraps," Gabriel says in consideration, and perhaps because of his lack of understanding involving the arcane arts the paladin asks, "Though how does messing with dark magic have one transform into a werewolf? I thought such was an affliction."

Sephora words do see a bit odd, and because he could Gabriel will concentrate on her to see if he detects evil or darkness in her aura. Wishing to have a better idea if she could be trusted in her words and worrying about deceit, especially given the behavior of most of the members of the Amber family had.

Out of Character: I will make a Wisdom save to see if Gabriel can sense any deceit, as well using a paladin's Sense Evil.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Jun, 2017 - 2:10am

Gabriel Results:
  • Wisdom on D20 (+0): 2 (1 roll)

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26th Jun, 2017 - 1:50am / Post ID: #
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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 460

Elf Bowman says...

Hunter, standing upright and playing with his chin says, "Fine, have you any weapons of silver that we can use against this creature?"

26th Jun, 2017 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #
Dungeon Master

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Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 460

The Watcher from the Aether says...

Gabriel focuses on Sephora while she's talking to the party. He's not able to get any significant feeling on her one way or the other. He does, however, feel somewhat charmed by her, as you all are, and thinks she's something of a delight.

In response to questions about the werewolf she answers, "Malachie has been roaming my lands for some time. Since we both trained under the same master, he's able to elude detection by my magical wards. I can only guess that he's out roaming the swamp right now. As far as I know, he received his affliction from trying to capture and perform magical research on werewolves. Apparently he wasn't careful enough and is now suffering the consequences."

In response to questions about the sword and silvered weapons, she says "Master Drethen (Assuming everybody introduced themselves), have you seen this sword or even have a description? How do you know that any sword I give you isn't the sword of Sylaire?" Then with a smile she adds, "I guess you're just going to have to trust me on this as well as trust the fates that led you here. Your own information says it's here and you might already be able to tell that I know just about everything that goes on around here, with the exception of Malachie."

Her smile turns to a slight frown as she says the name again. But her face brightens once again as she says to Hunter, "And, knowing all that I do about what goes on in my lands, I also know that you already have magical weapons powerful enough to deal with Malachie, or any other magically imbued creature for that matter." The last she says with a sly wink to Hunter.

Then, in conclusion she says, "So, do we have a deal?"

> TOPIC: Falrun's 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons RPG


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