Gabrielle's also fine with the peace knot and otherwise doing what was asked though by such keeping his weapons. He offers a respectful nod to the guards, knowing that there were simply doing their job, before continuing into the city with his companions.
Hunter looks for the building that looks like a tavern and enters to see what the place is all about. He will have seat, call for a drink and engage the wench to see what's going on.
While Hunter is looking for information Ardo will take a seat in the back and after ordering a drink and a meal he will listen to see if he hears anything interesting on the names or items the group is looking for.
Gabriel will also follow the others into the tavern to get a meal and drink to quench his thirst, even offering a round a drinks and a smile as he see if any are willing to have some friendly conversation.
Out of Character: Hopefully getting a round of drinks for everyone won't cost much.