You enter the nearest tavern and find that it is a lively place. Since Ximes is a larger city, there are merchants, off duty city guards, and others who are in there at almost all hours of the day.
Everybody seems friendly enough, they are willing to talk about whatever it is you're interested in. But, in casual conversation, there doesn't seem to be anything in particular going on.
In fact, it really depends on who you talk to as to what the topic of the day is. The merchants are concerned that prices will rise and cut into their profits. The city guards are concerned about what their jobs will be like going forward. A new Bishop has been assigned and, due to the fact that the church has a large influence in this area, it could mean a crack down on crime making the city guard's lives much for difficult, at least until things calm down.
And, everybody else is just concerned about their day to day well being and general survival.
Hunter asks the barkeep, "What's the most unusual things happening in this place, I mean the low down, the things people are afraid to talk about." He puts down a copuple of coins to show he is serious.
Drethen will get the attention of one of the barmaids and see if she is up for a bit of fun. He will talk to her about many things if she is willing and even take her up to his bed. If a room is available. He knows that sometimes people talk more to girls while in bed with them so he may get some interesting information.
Given his own past, and how his father had been a member of the royal guard and how Gabriel had planned to to follow in his footsteps before becoming what he is now, the paladin will approach guard who looks like he has either the highest rank or most experience. He will ask to sit down and offer them a drink, hoping they might be willing to converse and provide some information that could be of use. Edited: Thomaslee on 13th Jul, 2017 - 3:16am
Hunter: The barkeep takes a quick look around when Hunter lays down his cash. Then, when he feels that nobody is paying attention, he quickly snatches the money and quickly dumps it into his pocket. Then he leans in a little bit and says, "Some have been saying that the new Bishop got his position through some… strange circumstances. He was in the running with two others, but they dropped out due to strange happenings. The firs guy, Lysander, lost all of his mental capacity. He's now being cared for by the church, but he doesn't seem to be any more mentally capable then a five year old. The second guy, Drusand, just up and disappeared. Nobody's heard from him in six months when he's only lived in or around here most of his life."
Drethen: Flirting with the barmaid gets you some attention from her. But, given that it's early afternoon with the tavern decently busy, doesn't give her much time to do anything other than serve you and the rest of the guests.
Gabriel: Starting up a conversation with one of the more experienced/higher ranking members of the city guard doesn't get Gabriel very far. He seems fine with casual conversation, but as soon as Gabriel starts asking deeper or more probing questions, the guard becomes suspicious or at least a little more defensive as he seems to recognize when somebody is trying to get information that they shouldn't necessarily have.
Ardo asks one of the waitresses if there is any map makers in town. If so he goes there and purchases a map of the town and outlying areas.
Ardo is able to find a map maker. For the low low price of 10gp he is able to purchase a map of the region. For reference, you are in the city of Ximes, area 61.
Hunter smiles at the barkeep and thanks him for the information. He asks, "Where can I find this Lysander? I will like to try and talk with him."
Out of Character: If Hunter can locate him he will like to see if he can pull any information out of him perhaps by saying the name of the Bishop to see if anything awakes his memory. Hunter can bribe the guards with coin if necessary.