Gabriel will raise a hand, a gesture intended to calm the guard's suspicion before being partly honest on who he was and the situation he found himself in saying, "Please, I mean no ill intent with my questions. It was actually because of my respect for your station and duties that I came to you. My father was a city guard, as would have I before being called to a different path." Establishing such he felt may help.
Offering another drink, if the guard he was speaking to would accept such, Gabriel continues as he admits, "I'm newcomer to this city, my home being very far away from this nation indeed, and thus I do not really know or understand the going on here. Whatever information you could give will be appreciated." Hopefully his honesty will ease the guard's suspicion, and they could continue conversing.
Edited: Thomaslee on 14th Jul, 2017 - 6:37pm
Hunter: Hunter tracks down Lysander. He's currently in the care of the church. Since he's not sick or contagious, there's no real reason why Lysander shouldn't have visitors and Hunter is allowed in to see him. Lysander appears to be a grown man in his late 50's. By his soft hands and general demeanor, Hunter can tell that he was a man of learning as his hands probably never saw day of hard work. But, in speaking with him, Hunter can only find out that Lysander's favorite color is purple, he likes horses, and some day, he'll be able to own his own farm and have all of the horses he wants. In further questioning, Lysander doesn't seem to have any bad reactions to anybody, except maybe the head nurse. She can be pretty strict sometimes. And, before Hunter leaves, he's invited to a game of hide and seek, or jacks, or maybe just tossing a ball back and forth.
Gabriel: Once Gabriel explains himself, the guard seems to ease up but still keeps a wary eye. After Gabriel expresses interest in information about the town, the guard quickly tells him where the bad parts of town are and where the nicer inns are. After that, the man seems eager to be on his way, not wanting to find out if Gabriel is honest or trying to trap him in some kind of con.
Deciding that he had bothered the man enough, and with a few words of apology for taking up his time, Gabriel moves away and decides to see what the rest of his companions are doing. He tries to keep an eye out for anything of note, as well consider his next move in trying to get things figured out.
Edited: Thomaslee on 16th Jul, 2017 - 6:24am
Hunter sighs, "Whomever did this to this man is evil, how about we pay a little visit to this Bishop to see what he is all about?"
Hunter inquires about gaining an audience with Bishop.
As Hunter asks around about how he can meet with the Bishop, he's pointed in the direction of the Bishop's office where he meets the Bishop's secretary.
The secretary appears to be a male monk who has several books open on his desk in front of him. He's carefully studying each one in turn and it's difficult for Hunter to determine what is written in each one, if anything at all.
When Hunter asks about a meeting with the Bishop, the man looks Hunter up and down and asks, "What is the nature of your meeting? Why would a man, such as yourself, wish to see his Eminence?"
Gabriel will follow his elven friend as he goes to try and meet the Bishop, hoping that eh doesn't mind. To the question asked by the secretary, the man will look to Hunter to see how he replies and wait before stepping in. The paladin already having an idea of how he could help yet wishing to see how his companion might answer with a questioning look.
Out of Character: I hope it is okay for him to follow along, I am floundering a bit in what to do and in helping to get things moving forward. If there is an issue, I can try changing my post yet only having thirty minutes for such.
Edited: Thomaslee on 17th Jul, 2017 - 1:30am
Hunter replies with a shocked expression, "Wait, you do not know who I am? I am Hunter, a man with such stealth that even your shadow would not be aware of my coming. I have something in my possession which his eminence would be most interested in… in fact he would probably be angry to know you are keeping this item between him and it… waiting!"