You cautiously open the door and find lying in the middle of a large room, atop a pile of silver coins and gems, is a huge winged lizard. The gigantic lizard is covered with metallic blue scales. It appears to be asleep.
The room itself is about 50' wide by 50' deep. The party has entered through the southern double doors and you can see that there is a door in the middle of both the east and the west walls.
Why don't we just walk on by and not touch any of its treasure. We all know of the saying let sleeping dragons lie.
"Honesty, I have to agree. There will always be treasure to be gained another day," Gabriel offers, since their goal is to get out of there alive and even if the creature was a blue dragon it was better not to gain its ire. Unlike many "Adventurers" he has heard of, the paladin was not drawn to do what he did for greed or glory.
Edited: Thomaslee on 4th Sep, 2017 - 5:26pm
The party carefully moves into the room and across the floor to (Party inserts door they are trying to reach).
Despite the stone floor and the metal armor that everybody is wearing, you seem to be able to work your way to the door. The dragon stirs once or twice when a louder creak or scrape from your armor grates on your own ears, let alone that of the sleeping dragon, but you make it to the door.
Hunter is amazed that it went so easy. He thinks t himself that perhaps touching the treasure would have meant an attack. He has his bow ready and is watchful of his surroundings as he follows the party's lead.